Page 32 of Easy Rumba

Chapter 15


Realizing I’ve left my phone with Leo, I turn the car around and return to the studio. Izzy is staying the night at Gabby’s, so I need my phone to keep in contact with her. In addition, I don’t know if I’m going to see Leo later, and when I’m alone, I’m one of those people who would rather sit and read about random stuff on the internet than watch television.

What I don’t expect to see as I pull up to the dance studio is Simon leaving the building, his face red and with a stern expression on it. Getting out of the car, I keep to the shadows so he doesn’t notice me. What the hell is he doing here? I peer into the lobby and can see Leo standing there with his shoulders hunched over and his fists clenched. Whatever it is can’t be good. Once I’m sure Simon has definitely left, I race as quickly as I can into the dance studio. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out something bad has happened when I see Leo’s face. My first thought is for Izzy, and I run back to the car as quickly as possible. I don’t make it before Leo catches up to me and pulls me toward him. His bag smacks into my legs, and he drops it to the floor as I try desperately to get away from him.

“Izzy,” I cry, worrying that Simon is here for her.

He told me he would come, surely he can’t be planning on taking her. Damn it. What is he doing here?

As if sensing my fears, Leo pulls his phone from his bag and hands it to me.

“Call Gabby and warn her. It will be much quicker than driving. The number’s in there. She gave it to me in case of an emergency.”

“Thank you.” My hands tremble as I pull up her number and dial it. It takes a few seconds before she answers.


“Gabby, it’s Elise.” My voice is shaky.

“What’s wrong?” she asks on the other end of the phone, her voice laced with concern.

“Simon…he was here. Is Izzy…?” I can barely form a sentence. Why was Simon here with Leo?

“Rhys,” I can hear Gabby shouting down the other end of the phone. “Get the children inside. Lock all the doors and put up the closed sign. We’re not open to any guests other than those booked in already for tonight.”

In the background, I can hear Rhys calling the children, and when I hear Izzy’s disappointed voice on the other end of the line, I let out a long sigh of relief.

“Thank you.”

“We’ll keep her under careful watch until you get here.”

The line goes dead, and I pass the phone back to Leo.

“She’s safe. Rhys and Sam are monsters with baseball bats. I wouldn’t take them on. What did Simon want?”

Leo runs his hands through his hair. I can tell he’s still angry but is tempering it so as not to upset me.

“To warn me away from his wife and child.”

“Wife and child? But we’re divorced?”

“I know, but it seems in his eyes you’re both his property. Whether he wants you around or not, nobody else can have you. He was telling me to back off, politely at first but then he resorted to barefaced lies.”

Leo guides me back to my car and sits me in the passenger seat. I’m shaking like a leaf. It’s a massive shock to see Simon so unexpectedly after a year of having him out of my life.

“Lies?” One of Leo’s words sticks in my head.

“Yes, he told me that you were unwell and were the one beating Izzy. He said I needed to stay away from you and make you lose the contest, so he can then get you both home and make you better and ensure Izzy is safe.”

I let out a loud wail. I can’t help it. The thought of me hurting my daughter sickens me. It would never happen in a million years.

“Why would he say that? I would never hurt her, Leo. I promise you. Please, you have to believe me.”

I grab at his t-shirt. If he believes Simon, I don’t know what I’ll do.

“Hush, it’s ok.” Leo leans into the car and pulls me into his arms. His warmth gives me comfort. “I know. You don’t have to convince me he was lying. He hurt you. He’s a control freak, and now seeing you do well and enjoying my company, he’s trying to exert his authority again. Making you doubt what’s happened and the decisions you’ve made. It’s what a man like him does. Stay strong, Elise—believe in yourself. Doing the show is giving you all your confidence back. Don’t let him destroy it.”