Page 22 of Easy Rumba

“I was really fragile after the last assault. I wasn’t thinking too straight. All I knew was I had to get Izzy as far away from Simon as possible, and I spoke with my lawyer. I’d known him for a long time, and he understood my concerns. He asked Simon’s lawyers what it would take for him to give me full custody of Izzy. My silence and leaving Hollywood forever was the price I had to pay. I would be willing to pay it again every time.”

“He took advantage of your brittle condition for his gain.”

The tension within Leo manifests itself in a hardening of his jaw and a tic at his temple. I hate making him feel this way. I’m cold all over, despite the heat of the day in Louisiana. I can’t help shivering. He’s instantly on his feet and wrapping me up in his arms. Why do I feel so safe with him here? Shouldn’t I shy away from a man’s touch?

“I’m struggling to take all this in, Elise. I can understand now why you lack the confidence you once had in abundance. Have you seen a counselor?”

“I have, and so has Izzy. The agreement allowed us to do that because of patient confidentially.”

I rest my head against Leo’s chest. I can feel his heart beating loudly. It’s a steady rhythm and another reminder of his dancing talent. “Gabby has been amazing as well. She’s a fantastic friend.”

“She is. I tried to get her to tell me what had happened with your husband, but she told me I needed to ask you.”

I pull away from Leo and look up at him.

“When was that?”

“After the ice cream. Even then, I knew something wasn’t right. I wanted to help you and see you smile again the way you used to when we were young.”

“Perceptive as always.”

“No, I learned to read you when you were fifteen years old. I’ve never forgotten.”

Leo kisses my forehead, and a lump forms in my throat. I know I’m developing feelings for him again. I’m not sure they ever went away.

“My confidence is the reason I’m doing the dance show. I’m not allowed to work in Hollywood again, as per the terms of the contract, but I can do this and being near my home makes it perfect for me. I miss having a challenge in my life, but it doesn’t have to be acting. I love seeing Izzy’s face as she watches me achieve something. I’m doing the contest for both of us. To prove to myself I can do it, and to help her understand that even when bad things happen, you don’t have to be a victim.”

“I can’t think of a better reason, and I’ll be there working with you and supporting you every step of the way, but you need to talk to me if something is bothering you. Are you just finding the salsa really hard, or is it something else?”

I pull away from Leo for this part of the conversation. I’m shaking as I find my handbag and retrieve my phone from it. Ever since I got the message, I keep looking at it. Of course, I forwarded it straight on to my lawyer, but I couldn’t delete it. I also couldn’t block Simon’s number, because I need to know what he’s planning. He wants to take my little girl away from me, and I can’t let him do that. I’ve barely slept the last few nights. I keep debating whether to leave the show, but every time I decide to quit, I think about the delight on Izzy’s face when she sees me performing.

My lawyer assures me Simon has no way of terminating the contract and getting Izzy back, but I don’t know anymore. I’m so confused by it all and completely terrified I’ll do something wrong and lose her to him. I’m so afraid he’ll beat her like he did me…maybe even kill her. That was the worst nightmare I had this week when I did finally manage to get some sleep.

I hand Leo my phone, and he looks down at the message. It still says it’s from an unknown number, but the meaning behind the words is clear.

“Is this from who I think it is?”

I nod.

“Yes, he phoned me on the first day I was at training. Someone from the show is obviously in contact with him. He’s got spies all around the entertainment world, so it could be anyone. That message was sent after we finished first on the leaderboard. I’ve done nothing wrong appearing on the show. My lawyer has confirmed it’s completely within the terms of the agreement, but I guess Simon doesn’t like the fact I’m being featured in the spotlight. Especially as he doesn’t have a movie out until next year.”

“That man is an asshole. He needs to be taught a lesson.” Leo breathes deeply to control his temper. He looks down at my phone again and then back at me. “Have you sent copies of this message to your lawyer?”


“Right then, we’re going to put all this worry to bed and forget about him. He doesn’t have a leg to stand on. You’re doing nothing wrong.” Leo presses a few buttons on my phone. I instantly reach out to grab it from him, but he pulls it away and presses a few more before handing it back to me. “The message is deleted and his number is blocked. You’ve nothing more to worry about from him now. Your lawyer can deal with him, and we can get back to dancing. We have a lot of time to make up for.”

“Leo, it isn’t that simple,” I protest while at the same time wondering how I can unblock Simon’s number. I’d rather know what he’s up to than have him working on a plan behind my back.

“Yes, it is, Elise. Simon is out of your life. He has no say over Izzy, and if he tries anything, then the contract gives you the upper hand.” Leo pulls me into his arms and tilts my head up so I’m looking directly into his face. I can’t help but get lost in the dreaminess of his eyes. “If he tries to take Izzy, then he voids the contract, and you can scream from the rooftops about what he did to you. You can be a confident and determined woman, knowing you have right on your side. You hold the power in your hands to destroy his career if he doesn’t leave you alone. Believe in that and in what you are doing for Izzy. You made the correct decision for her at the time and are continuing to make the right decisions for her now. You worry that she doesn’t see you as strong, but I’ve seen her watching you in dance practice. She’s in awe of you. She loves you and worships you. You’re her strength and her guidance. Now, I’m not leaving here until you show me you can remember the steps I taught you.” Leo taps me on my head. “Because I know full well they’re in there. They’ve just got lost because of all the worry and panic. Neither of which are necessary.”

Leo steals my phone again, and the next thing I know, ‘Conga’ is playing on the sound system in my house. This time, I remember the steps.