Chapter 9
Iset the cup of steaming hot coffee down in front of Leo. Since we entered the house, he's not said anything to me. He’s just sat there in silence while I prepared our drinks. I'd love to know what he's thinking, but then again, maybe not. He’s a passionate man, and I’m not sure I could bear to witness another volatile outburst.
The story he told me about the woman stealing from him broke my heart. How anyone could do that to him? He's the kindest man I know. I didn't mean to get scared when he got angry earlier. It was a natural reaction because it brought memories of Simon, flooding back into my head—his fists, his words, the pain, the bruising, and the feeling of failure afterward. The poignant part of Leo’s tale is that he hadn't been the one in the wrong. It was the woman stealing from him who’d caused the harm. She couldn't expect him to buy all those designer presents for her. If she wanted them, she should have saved her money or found a better job. I can’t begin to get my head around it. You don’t date someone to get expensive things. You date someone because you like them. Leo didn’t realize it at the time, but basically she was pimping herself out to him, and when she didn’t get the payment she felt she deserved, she stole from him to keep up the illusion with her friends.
What kind of a world is it that we live in? What kind of a world is it that I’ve brought Izzy into? Maybe I was wrong to have her. No, I love my little girl more than anything or anyone else. I need to stop thinking about Simon's message and do all I can to make this world right for her. I need to be strong.
Simon signed a contract giving me full custody of Izzy. He has no comeback. My lawyer is going over the agreement again just to make sure, but as far as he’s concerned, there’s nothing Simon can do. Izzy is mine unless I void the contract by breaking the terms of the agreement. Appearing on the show is allowed. I’m not in Hollywood. I’m not acting on the silver screen. I am merely appearing in a dance show, and I just happened to have finished at the top of the leaderboard in week one. That’s what Simon really hates. He can’t handle knowing I’m achieving something. I also wonder if he could see the chemistry I have with Leo and it twisted his evil mind. He never wanted me to be better than him. It’s the reason why he abused me in the first place because ultimately I am.
I take a seat next to Leo, and he looks up at me from his coffee, the steam from the caffeinated nectar wafting around his face.
“Your husband hit you.” He finally speaks.
“Yes,” I reply.
A sudden thought occurs to me—is this breaking the contract? Telling Leo? No, he wouldn't say anything. I know that for certain.
“I don't understand. I'm sorry, Elise. I can't even imagine what you've been through. Is he in prison?”
Leo reaches past his mug of coffee and takes my hand. I allow him to this time after freaking out earlier at his touch. Now it comforts me because I know I’m doing the right thing talking to him.
“No, he's not in prison. It’s complicated, but the truth is I never reported him.”
“Never reported him? But he hit you?” I can see the confusion on Leo’s face. He’s not a man to raise his fists to a woman.
“He did hit me on more than one occasion. The last time he broke my arm, and Izzy saw it happen.”
“She saw it. Oh, God, was she okay? Is she okay?” Leo suddenly pauses, and I can’t help anticipating his next question. “Did he hit her?”
“No, thankfully he never had the chance, but the reason he broke my arm was because I stepped in to stop an argument between them. I’ve no doubt in my mind that if I hadn't, he probably would've hurt her.”
“So why didn’t you report him?”
“I couldn't, because of who he is.”
“Who he is?”
It's at this point I realize Leo hasn’t done any research into my life. The person I was married to is mentioned on any profile of mine on the internet.
“Have you heard of Simon French?”
“The actor? He does those action movies. A few of the guys like to watch them when we have some downtime. They aren't my favorite, though. I prefer the original action man, James Bond.”
“Yes, I was married to Simon French. He's Izzy's father. Her full name is Isabelle French, not Landry.”
I hate even mentioning his name. It’s horrible and feels icky on my tongue like tasting food that’s been burned beyond recognition.
“What makes it complicated, though? He's guilty of domestic violence against you, and if you hadn't stopped him, he could have done the same to Izzy. He’s famous. The world needs to know about this.”
Leo pushes back in his chair. He’s not shouting, but I can tell he’s angry. He’s controlling it for me, though.
“No, the truth can never be revealed to the world. I’d lose Izzy.”
“Lose Izzy?”
Leo ruffles his hand through his dark hair. I can see he’s struggling to understand what I’m saying, or maybe I’m not explaining it that well. I’ve kept this inside me for so long now I’m finding it hard to talk about it.