Page 26 of Second Chances

“Hi.” The cheery deep masculine tone comes from the other end of the line. “How are you feeling this morning?”

“Hi.” My reply is weak, and I take a seat because my legs feel wobbly.

“You ok?” Ryan’s concern is obvious.

“Yeah. Just tired,” I lie.

“Ok, sorry, that would be my fault for keeping you out late. I wondered if you had to work today, or would you like to go for a walk along the Thames? I have the afternoon off, and it’s a nice day.”

“I…er…er…” I can’t answer.

“Elena, what’s wrong?”

Amy turns away so she doesn’t face me. I know she’s feeling awful for everything we’ve just discussed.

“Amy’s here.”


“Yeah, she told me some things. Would you come round? I think we need to talk.”

Chapter Twelve


The murderous intentions that I try to suppress rise to the surface. They’re not directed at my sister-in-law. She was just trying to protect her friend, but I know exactly what Elena has been told from the quiver in her voice. She knows about the revenge I tried to exact on my family. I’m a complete fucking idiot for thinking I could ever leave it behind, and I’m an imbecile for putting both Amy and Elena in the position of having to have such a conversation in the first place.

I can’t get to Elena’s apartment quick enough—my foot’s hard against the accelerator pedal as I weave through the London traffic. I’d have a difficult time explaining it to the cops if I’m stopped, but that’s the furthest thing from my mind. After putting Elena to bed, I sat and watched over her for an hour. She was beautiful, sleeping soundly with a small grin on her face. There was nothing there of the sadness related to her mother. I need to save her from whatever she’s hiding, but I fear after today she’ll never want to see me again.

When I pull up, Amy is standing outside, her arms wrapped around her middle and chewing her lip.

“I’m sorry,” she blurts out before I even have a chance to say hello.

“It’s ok.” I pull her into my arms and give her a hug. I can tell she’s been crying. “I know you were protecting your friend. I’m not angry.”

“You don’t looknotangry.”

“I’m more furious with myself for putting you all in this position. I should have been clear with Elena in the first place about my past.”

Amy shakes her head.


“In fact, I never should have been that man in the first place.” I can’t help but thump my fist against the side of my car.

“Ryan, please.”

Sonia appears beside us, a cross look on her face. I should have known that Amy’s bodyguard, and other close friend, wouldn’t have been too far behind her. Even though she’s told me she forgives me for shooting Matthew, I know she wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet in me if the opportunity arose.

“What’s happening?”

I hand Amy over to her bodyguard.

“She had an intense discussion with Elena. I think you can guess what about.”

Sonia nods.

“Take Amy home and get James to let her know it isn’t her fault.”