Page 25 of Redemption

I pick up an axe resting on the table.

“He will. He’s more powerful than you know. He’s always been a better man than you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

My father laughs at me again.

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

I swing the axe and bring it down to sever one of his hands. He’ll bleed out soon, so I need to get answers.

“Where can I find M?”

“He’ll find you.”

“That’s not the way it works. I’ll find him, I’ll chop off his balls and dick, and I’ll feed them to him. I’ll then seal up his mouth so he chokes on his own genitals.” I swing the axe around but don’t bring it down on anything. I’m taunting him, now.

“You’ll never do it,” my father retorts. I can tell he’s weakening. His skin is ashen, and each word is agony for him to speak.

“Where is he?” My patience is gone. I want this over. I want rid of this man from my life. He’s nothing more than a sperm donor to me.

“Closer than you think and with a new toy.”

My father’s eyes roll back in his head. I bring the axe down on his other hand, but he doesn’t respond. He doesn’t even move. He’s slipped into unconsciousness. I feel at his neck for a pulse…there’s a faint one. He’ll bleed out in a matter of moments. I could revive him with cold water, but I know I’ll never get anything else out of him. ‘Closer than you think’ means he’s most likely still here in America, possibly even here in New Orleans. An overwhelming urge to get back to Megan hits me.

I pick up my Glock and without any emotion fire off the remaining rounds into my father’s body.

I stand there in silence for a few moments with a quiet prayer on my lips for the girl who died. I should have found her sooner and helped. I was weak back then: confused and scared. But no longer. I won’t rest until I’ve rescued as many of the girls sold by my father as I can.

I pick up his severed hands and place them on a tray. Then taking one final look at the dead body of the man who should have been everything to me but ended up as nothing but dirt under my feet, I leave the room.

Arthur stands outside.

He doesn’t say anything when I emerge and hand him the tray.

“Make sure one of them goes to my mother. It’s about time she knows she’s free of him.”

Arthur nods and opens his mouth to speak to me, but I’m already heading down the corridor and back home, keeping my promise to protect Megan.