Page 13 of Redemption

The tapping of Gawain’s fingers as he types into his phone gets louder. His lips are pursed together, and his eyes are as dark as a thunderous day.

“The injury to her shoulder is from you and Kay, yes?” the doctor asks and lifts the makeshift bandage.

“Yes,” Kay replies without looking at me.

“Good knife skills, Kay. I’ll add a couple of stitches to it in a minute, if that’s ok?” the doctor asks, smiling warmly at me, and I nod my agreement.

“She has numerous scars from being whipped. They can all be improved with creams and time.” He pulls my misshapen arm out in front of me. He turns it over, and I flinch as a sharp pain shoots through me.

“I’m sorry.” The doctor instantly lowers my arm. “Did you get any medical help with the break?”

“No,” I respond as low growls erupt from the throats of the three men in the room, and Evelyn takes my other hand in hers.

“Did any bone come through the skin?” the doctor asks, and the room falls silent enough that you could hear a pin drop.

“No. I wrapped it up in a piece of sheet to try and keep it stable, but I didn’t have anything to splint it with.” The doctor looks at it again.

“You did a good job. There’s a weakness there now, so I don’t think the bone was replaced properly. When you’re a bit stronger, we should be able to operate and correct the bend, giving you full movement back.”

“I’d like that.” I pause as another memory hits me. I’m sitting at a large desk with pencils, rulers, and paper everywhere. I’m designing buildings.

“Megan?” Gawain leans closer, urging me to share what I’m remembering.

“I was an architect. I use this hand to draw my designs.”

“Then I’ll schedule the surgery for a couple of weeks, so we can make sure you’ll be back designing, as soon as possible,” the doctor reassures me, but his positivity makes me feel uncomfortable. I lower myself down into the chair I’m standing by and shut my eyes, wondering if I’ll ever be able to do something as normal as designing again. “First I’ll take a sample of blood and then stitch up where Kay removed the sensor. I think the best thing for you, now, is sleep. I’ll leave some sleeping tablets with Gawain, should you need them.” The doctor continues to speak, but I barely register anything happening around me after that. I become lost in my thoughts again, but this time instead of dreaming of dancing with a handsome stranger, I’m recalling the life I once had, which can never be again.