Page 34 of Redemption


At the speeds I’ve been driving, it doesn’t take me long to pull up outside the front of Arthur’s mansion. I notice Kay outside, washing his red Lamborghini. He looks relaxed and is laughing with Dagger.

“What the fuck?” I slam my truck to a halt and jump out in a rage. “You sent me a pair of tits just to get me to help you wash your fucking car!”

I’m livid and ready to send my fists flying. Kay drops the sponge he’s holding and prepares to protect himself, but Dagger gets in between us and pushes me away.

“What the hell are you on about?” Kay questions in confusion.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and show him the tits he sent me.

“Megan’s alone in the hospital because you sent me this.”

Kay’s face pales.

“I didn’t send you that message.”


When Dagger realizes I’m not about to kill Kay any longer, he finally stops pushing me away. Kay grabs my phone from me and fiddles around with something on the screen.

“This is from my regular phone not my burner. I would never send you tits from that phone. I don’t even have it on me today. Shit. It’s at home.”

“Evelyn!” I’m instantly worried for his fiancée. She wouldn’t be the sort to play games like this.

My phone rings, and Kay almost drops it like it’s a bomb that’s about to explode. I grab it from him and answer the call on speaker when I see it’s the hospital contacting me.

“Mr. Vincent?” The feminine voice asking for me sounds terrified.


“There’s been an incident at the hospital. Miss Ragnell has been taken, and Erec, the man you authorized us to allow into her room, has been shot. I’m sorry, we did all we could for him, but the wound he received was too extensive. He died a few moments ago.”

I try to form words to ask her questions, but nothing comes out. Dagger grabs the phone.

“Do you have a picture of the perpetrator?”

The woman on the other end hesitates. Arthur pretty much owns the hospital. It’s why we use it when one of us needs medical treatment. The cops will be called, but in the meantime, she’ll give us the information we need to get a head start.

“I’m sending it to you now.”

Dagger hangs up, and a picture message pops up on my phone. There’s no mistaking the man holding a terrified Megan. His facial features are different to mine, but I see the boy in him who disappeared all those years ago. My brother.

Kay pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials Evelyn. She answers immediately in tears and tells him their house has been burglarized. She was out and had just come back to find it in a mess.

“Go look after her,” I tell Kay as I walk back to my truck. Dagger appears at my side. I halt his progress. “No, get a backup team in case I go down. Whatever happens, Megan has to be saved.”

“Gawain?” He raises an eyebrow.

I ignore his concern and flick open an app on my phone. Last night after I woke from my dream, I told Megan of my concern for her. We both agreed that until we knew she was safe, she’d have another tracker injected into her, so I could trace her if the worst happened. I’m glad I did, for when I open the app, I see she’s headed toward an abandoned airfield. I show Dagger, and he disappears into the house to get back-up sorted if it’s required. Kay disappears down the driveway in a cloud of dust, and I follow him out. I’m going to save the woman I love.

I’m lucky I don’t get stopped by the police on my short trip to the airfield. My driving is bordering on dangerous, but I just want to get to my girl. I don’t really have a plan other than to shoot my brother in the head, dick, chest, hands, legs, and anywhere else I can until the motherfucker is dead, and Megan is back in my arms where she belongs. When I arrive at the airfield, I bring my truck to a screeching halt just as the car door opens of the only other vehicle there, and Megan is dragged out from it. Her lip is bleeding, and I can see bruises forming around her eyes. My blood boils, but I need to get myself under control and think clearly like the assassin I am. I have to remove all emotion from the situation, despite the fact it’s my brother and the woman I love involved. I take a few seconds to compose myself before grabbing my Glock from the glove box and tucking it into the back of my pants. The other car pulls away, and I see no one else around.

Mordred notices my truck, and just like in my dream, he pauses with a gun pointed at Megan’s head. I clear all thoughts of what happens next from my mind, open my truck door, and get out. Each footstep that brings me closer to where they’re standing feels like I’m wading through cement. It’s hard, and possibly futile.

“Long time no see, Brother,” Mordred greets me with a teasing smirk. “I’m afraid it’s going to be a flying visit as well. I just came to collect some property of mine, and I’m leaving with it now.” He presses a kiss to Megan’s cheek. She doesn’t move—her coloring is as ashen as a cloudy day. Her eyes are intently focused on me, though. “I think I’ll have to search you for trackers when I get you on board. It seems my brother’s as mistrusting of whores as I am. He found us a little too quickly, don’t you think?”

“She’s not a whore,” I spit toward my brother.