“I’ve been fucking as many women as I can, ever since, to give them pleasure from my dick.”
Tears stream down my face.
“This is your father’s fault. It’s not yours, Gawain. You saved me and countless others. You’re a good man.”
“I can’t find M,” he adds with the look of frustration and disgrace still on his face.
“We’ll find him together.”
“He has another girl.”
My head feels dizzy at the thought of that. I race across to my wardrobe and bring out a baggy t-shirt and pair of leggings.
“Take me back to the house,” I demand as I rip my pajama’s off and pull the clean clothes on. Gawain stands there dumbfounded.
“There has to be a clue there somewhere. We’ll find it together.
“Megan…the memories.”
“Can be overcome if we’re saving others.”
“Ok. I’ll have a few of the guys meet us there.” Gawain pulls out his phone and types out a message.
“I promise you, you’re a good man.” I feel the need to press a kiss to his lips.
“Who just happens to kill people for a living,” he replies.
I screw my nose up and wave a hand dismissively in the air.
“That can be overlooked.”
It doesn’t take us long to get back to the imposing old-fashioned house that was my home for two years. I remember the breathing exercises I was taught to keep me calm the entire way. I’m not as scared as I thought I’d be, though. Knowing what Gawain has been through makes me feel more resilient. We’re here to save others who are suffering as I did.
Gawain helps me from the car and holds tightly to my hand.
“You ok?”
“Yes. Although I’ve always been a bigger fan of modern architecture. Your mansion is much more welcoming.”
“That’s ’cause it matches its owner just like this one does.”
I raise a questioning brow at him.
“I’m sleek and sexy like my home. The owner of this place is freaky.”
I shake my head just as two of Gawain’s colleagues arrive. I recognize them as Seth and Geraint.
“Where do you want to start?” Gawain asks me.
“You’ve been through most of the house already?”
“We’ve pulled his office apart the most. Couldn’t see anything in there, though.”
I shut my eyes to think.
“Hiding in plain sight,” I reply when I open them.
“What do you mean?” Seth asks.