“Never. It’s one of the things I like about you along with the fact you find it impossible to lie.”
“What else do you like about me?” he asks while he pulls a thick blanket out and places it over my lap. I’m wearing a summer dress, having left my thick coat with Nicholas and Victoria when they dropped us at the airport. Victoria was moaning she was the size of a house and wished she could go to the Caribbean. Nicholas promised it would be the first place they would go to as soon as the baby was old enough to be left with Auntie Tamara and Uncle William. William and I laughed at that because we both know Nicholas would never let his child out of his sight for more than a few minutes. Victoria and I have bodyguards with us constantly. The threats may have died down, for now, but Viscount Hamilton is out there somewhere, and there’s also another missing girl still to be found.
“Do you think Joanna’s still alive?” I change the conversation abruptly.
William sucks air into his mouth.
“After this much time, I doubt it. If she is, you saw the condition Daphne was in. I guess we have to hope that somewhere, deep down, Viscount Hamilton does have a heart. He saved you from West before I could, and I’ll owe him forever for that. It took you long enough to heal from the injuries West inflicted on you, and he only had you for a short time.”
I shift in my seat still thinking of the pain of that day, and the scarring to my left nipple. It will never heal properly, and it’s unlikely I’ll be able to use it to feed my babies (How many had William threatened to have with me?). But I’ll deal with that when the time comes. My ribs still give me a bit of pain, but that’s to be expected in England with the damp weather even in the summer. The main thing is Lord West didn’t break me. William and I still have the same sex life we did before I was taken. We both have a passion for the darker side of things, and I trust William with how far he’ll go.
Before we left Lord West’s property to burn down, that night, I’ll always remember his words as he removed the dead deviant’s brain from his skull and threw it on the fire. ‘People say my brain is wired wrong, but I think his was. Woman are not creatures to be destroyed. They are to be worshiped and loved. Treated with kindness and devotion. Lord West was the wrong one. Not me.’
When all this is finally over, whether we are alive or dead, that will be William’s epitaph forever because he’s not wrong. He’s unique, my husband, and I love him.
“I love you too,” he whispers into my ear.
“Did I say that out loud?”
“No, I can just read the goofy look on your face.”
“I did not have a goofy look.”
“Oh, you did. It was something like this.”
He pulls a funny face, and I can’t help but pull him into a kiss.
“Do you think the monster wants to come out and play for a bit?”
“On the plane?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Maybe only a little bit of the monster until we reach our destination.”
He licks his lips, and we both sit back in our seats. William slides his hand under my blanket as the plane starts to taxi down the runway. As we thunder into the air twisting and turning until we’re level, he brings me to an orgasm with three of his fingers inside me. Reminding me just who owns my pussy.