Page 47 of Fighting the Lies


The early morning sunlight flooded through the window. Well, given it was the middle of winter, it wasn’t that early in the morning, but it certainly felt like it. She went to bed after midnight. Scott’s arm was still around her, and she lay draped over his chest. They hadn’t pulled the covers over them, but the heat from his body acted as a blanket. She moved, her thoughts concerned with shutting the curtains so they could get some more sleep. Scott tightened his grip.

“No moving.” His voice was gravelled with sleep.

“I want to shut the curtains, so we can sleep longer.” He loosened his arm so that she could move.

“Good idea. That sun has been annoying me, but I’m too lazy to get up to shut them. I can see having you in the bedroom will be beneficial in more ways than one.”

“Lazy arse lion.” She muttered.

“It’s the way you love me.”

She pushed off the bed and padded across the wooden floor to the curtains. She gripped them in both hands and readied herself to pull. The morning sun glistened off freshly lain snow. This was her home, and yesterday, she thought she would never see it again. She let go of one of the curtains and ran her fingers across the window pane. The years of her youth flooded back, days spent pouncing on bugs with Brayden, her teenage years came next. She felt the edges of her lips curl up in a smile when she remembered the time that she and a few of her lioness friends snuck out to catch a glimpse of some of the males of the pack training. They had been all muscles and testosterone. Her friends had admired the bodies while she had stood fascinated by the movements of the fight that they displayed. Lastly, a vision of her and Scott came to her. The first time they hunted together, she’d been so frustrated with him, but ultimately, they had brought back the biggest catch ever. Their baby would have all that but would have his parents also. She patted her stomach. She wanted to show him or her already. Scott groaned on the bed.

“You’re not going to come back to bed are you?”

She bit her lip.

“I haven’t run in so long.” Scott sat up and pulled the shirt he still had on off. He slid his legs from the bed and dropped his jeans. She blushed when she saw his morning wood.

“You will need to deal with this when you have the run out of your system.” He pointed to his erection.


“Shift then.” Scott transferred into a massive lion before her. This man was perfect. His slender thighs tapered down to muscular legs, and the brown of his eyes was even deeper in this form. She looked down at what she was wearing. It was the wedding dress that Nuka had given her. She didn’t care for it so shifted without removing it. She shook the tattered remnants of the fabric away from her body and stepped out in lioness form. Her eye sight was wider. Her paws and legs strong. Her teeth sharp enough to kill. Scott let out a roar loud enough to wake the entire pack, especially as it shook the house. She responded, and then they bounded out of the room. Tyler stood in the hallway. A glare on his face.

“Go roar in the mountains. Some of us want sleep.”

Scott replied with another roar. This one bringing Kas out of his room. The polar bear pointed outside, and they both put their tails between their legs and fled down the stairs as quickly as possible.

Emma was laughing in her head by the time they got outside. Scott bounded after her. She quickened her pace, and they raced up through the mountains. They were a pair of young lions in love. A rabbit crossed their paths, and they chased after it. It was quick but not quick enough. She caught it. She stepped back to give the food to her partner, just as any lioness would, but Scott nudged her forward again and urged her to eat. She did so; she was hungry. It had been so long since she’d last eaten. Scott sat and cleaned his mane, while she consumed the food. She offered him some, but he refused. They didn’t speak to each other like they could within their head. Instead, they just enjoyed the company and peace of the morning. When she finished eating, they bounded further up the mountain. A dark cloud loomed over head. She looked up at it, trying to decide if it was more snow or rain. It was certainly cold enough for more snow. Not that she minded. The fur coat kept her perfectly warm.

“There’s one of the look-out caves up ahead. Shall we take shelter in there?” Scott’s voice entered her head.

She mewled a yes and followed him to the cave.

Scott shifted into human form and lit a fire. All of the caves, used as lookouts, had the supplies to start a fire within them. They also had spare clothes and blankets.

“Are you staying a cat all day?” Scott pulled a blanket out and settled it on the floor. He sat on it and she came to his side. She was still in lion form so sat with her feet tucked under in contentment. “I take it that is a yes then.” He started to stroke her. It warmed her, the affection that he had for her. She purred.

“So when am I expecting my life to be a mass of nappies?”

“Four months.” She spoke to him telepathically.

“"You're going to make me be at the birth as well aren't you?"

"You helped put it in, so you can hold my hand while I push it out." Her cat mewled.

"Damn. I was hoping it was something you women would want to do together, and I could sit and drink brandy with the guys."

"Nope." She swished her tail so that it hit him.

"Change back." His voice had turned full of passion. It was velvety with his need, a need that matched the huge hard on that he supported. She shifted.

"The thought of me giving birth has made you like that?" She asked.

"The thought of you giving birth to my baby has made me like this." He replied.