Page 44 of Fighting the Lies


Scott had been virtually glued to Emma’s side, since she’d returned to the Glacial Blood mansion. The lioness had thoroughly explored the whole place to make sure nothing had changed. She’d wanted to shift and go for a run, but it was almost midnight, and the dark circles under her eyes suggested that sleep would be a much better alternative.

“We’ll get up early and go for a run at first light. I just want you to to get a few hours sleep.” He stood up tall and commanding to the bottom lip that was protruding in a pout.

“But I don’t need to sleep.”

“When was the last time you slept for more than a little nap?” He questioned.

“I don’t know” She shrugged her shoulders with annoyance. “Maybe a week ago.”

“A week. We’re lions; we’re supposed to sleep for twenty hours a day.”

“No, that’s a male lion. Females do the work, and we don’t get a chance to sleep as much as you do.” She rolled her eyes at him.

There was a crackle of energy in the air. Not something else to delay him getting time alone with her. Jessica, Kas and, Emma’s mother, Isabella, appeared. They had stayed behind after he had left with Emma. Kas needed to ensure Isabella’s safety and also get her a new legal identity.

“Mom.” Emma flew into her mother’s arms. “I can’t believe you are alive”

Isabella responded with her own warm embrace around her daughter’s shoulders. The elder lioness had lived a hard life, and it showed on her worn wrinkled skin. The shadows under her eyes matched those of a woman always awake to look over her shoulder. Scott felt an urge to protect her, make sure she was alright. Where had that come from?

“I’m so sorry I left you. I couldn’t see any other way.”

“It’s ok. I understood.”

“No, I never explained it to you.” Both lionesses sat down on the sofa. It was just them, Kas, and Jessica. All the others had either fallen asleep or previously excused themselves to go to bed.

“Tell me now.”

“I knew of Kas’ pack for a while. The humanity that existed within it compared to so many others. I knew you would be safe and welcome here. I knew that Kas would never let you be returned to your father.”

“But why did you give me up?” Scott took a seat on the chair behind Emma. She reached an arm behind her and took his hand.

“Your father told me that you were to be given to another pack on your fifth birthday. It would tie the pack to us and allow you to be raised within their rules, so you could eventually marry the alpha’s son. I did some research on the pack. They were not right for you. They were...” Isabella broke down.

“They were just like the wolf pack that took the lioness.” Emma leant back against him. He slid his hand around her waist to give her the comfort that she needed. He remembered her telling him once about this girl who had been taken from her pack and sold to another. He had helped Emma go and find what happened to the girl. She’d been distraught when they found out she’d died brutally.

“I’d hoped that you wouldn’t remember that, but when I found out you had visited the pack, I knew you had.”

“You know I visited them? How?” Emma questioned.

“I’ve known everything you’ve done in your life. I’ve had someone looking after you from the first day that I left you.”

Emma looked towards Kas.

“No, I wasn’t aware your mother was still alive.” Kas replied.

“He was a shadow. Nobody you know, but he was always there.”

“Is he here now? I’d like to thank him.”

Isabella shook her head.

“No, there’s no need for him any longer, so he’s returned to his own family.”

“No need?”

“It seems the Council doesn’t want the risk of me being a powerful nomad. I’m to align myself with a pack. Kas has offered Glacial Blood, and it seems as good as any. Besides, my daughter is here and her gentleman.” Isabella winked at him.