Page 33 of Fighting the Lies


Emma stood in front of the full-length mirror. This wasn't how she'd visualized her wedding day going, when she was a little girl. Mind you, she hadn't forecast having a wedding day, not until Scott entered her life. She stroked her hand down the silk gown, which now shrouded her muscular body. It was hand embroidered with pearls and fitted to her curves like a second skin. She had bathed and had washed her hair. She looked beautiful. That wasn't the problem here. The man she was marrying was Nuka Lincoln. He was insane, at best. At worst, he was a frightful dictator to rival the more famous names. Her hands were shaking, the breath tight in her chest. He was going to use her body to build an army. An army that he will use to gain his revenge on the Council. Why couldn't they see this? Why didn't they stop him? Her breath was getting faster and faster. She was panicking. She needed to be level headed. It was the dress. Lowering the zip, she dropped the dress to the floor and stepped out of it. As well as providing her with a wedding dress, Nuka also set her up with a wardrobe he deemed suitable for the wife of the Alpha. She was a jeans or sports pants sort of girl. The outfits he’d given her were all form fitting dresses. The underwear ostentatious thongs and bras. She grabbed the most casual looking dress she could find and slipped it over her head. She needed to get out of here before the wedding. If she could just make it to Glacial Blood land, Kas could make her disappear. She would be safe from Nuka. She looked at the shoes. All heels. Damn it. She would have to go bare foot. As soon as she was safe enough away,she would shift and run.

She tried the door knob. It wasn’t locked. Silently, she opened it and looked around. She expected a guard who she’d need to knock out, but there was no one. Nuka was far too trusting. He would regret that. She slipped out into the corridor and pressed herself against the wall. On their way in, she had come from the left, up the stairs and into the hallway. That would be the quickest way out. She listened to see if she could hear any noise, but it was silent. She made a run for it. At speed, she took the stairs. Her heart was almost beating out of her chest. She reached the bottom, freedom so close she could taste it. But it was to be denied. Nuka stepped out from the shadows and barred the way to the door.

“Going somewhere?” He smirked,

She slammed to a halt just before him.

“I…I wanted to explore the house.” The lie tumbled easily from her lips.

“I somehow doubt that. I have a gravel driveway. You would tear your feet apart on it.” He motioned for her to turn around. She stood steadfast.

“As I’m supposed to be lady of the manor, shouldn’t I know a bit more about it?”

The polar bear gave off a malevolent grin.

“You seem to think you’ll have a role here other than being flat on your back, pushing out my children.”

“And you seem to think that this marriage is a forgone conclusion. Even if you tie me up, I’ll look for every way I can to escape back to Glacial Blood.” She folded her arms over her chest.

“You will never set foot on those lands again.” Nuka took a menacing step towards her and slammed his hand around her throat. “If you do, you doom the entire pack. You signed a contract. If they help you escape, I’ll have them all arrested for aiding and abetting a criminal. They’ll be destroyed. Kas will lose everything.”

“You can’t do that.” She whimpered through her restricted breathing.

“I can and I will. Make your choice now Emma.” Nuka let go of her throat and stepped away from the door. He was letting her run, but if she did, he would destroy her family.

She turned away and looked at the ground. There was no choice but to stay. Kas needed to win this war. When he did, she would be free. Until then,she would have to live as Nuka’s wife.

“Good girl. I suggest that you return to your room and get ready. We will be married by sunset.”

She felt his eyes watch her all the way back to the bedroom. Their foul sliminess causing her to shudder. When she reached her room, she slammed the door shut behind her. This would have to be sanctuary, her place for hiding from the reality of her life. Her thoughts drifted back to Scott. He’d probably know that she’d been released by now. She wondered if he knew that she was to be married to Nuka. Would he come for her? If he did, he would die. She had to stop it. As if in instinct, she placed her hand on her stomach. Jessica. She needed the witch’s help. Kas had told them once that Jessica was in tune to all of them. If they needed her, they just had to call her. She would hear it and come. It was a unique power that she had as a witch.

“Jessica.” She called quietly. Did she have to call in some particular way? “Jessica.” She repeated but nothing happened. That’s when she broke, the strength she had kept within her, for so long, was there no more. She slumped down against the door. Tears tumbled down her face. “Jessica, please, I need you.” She whispered, the words barely audible before she placed her head on her knees and sobbed for the life she would never have. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. The room crackled with energy. Emma looked up to see Jessica standing before her.

“Emma.” Jessica surrounded her with a loving embrace. She melted into it, needing the comfort. The tears continued to fall.

“I need your help.” She sobbed.

“What’s going on?” Jessica looked around. “This is Nuka’s mansion. Why are you here?”

“I’m…I’m to be his wife.” Her eyes squeezed tightly shut when she spoke. They were trying to block out the terrifying thought.

Jessica let go of her and sat back,her whole body dropping down onto the floor in disbelief. “We need to get you out of here.” The witch grabbed her hand. “Hold tight.”

“No.” Emma screamed.


“I can’t leave.”

“Emma, I’m not leaving you here to be married to Nuka. I don’t know how this came about, but it’s not going to happen. We’ll get you back to Glacial Blood, and then, Kas can sort it out there.” Jessica pursed her lips together, adamant in what would happen next.

“If I leave here, it will give Nuka enough to take Kas down. He will lose everything.” She implored her friend to listen to her.

“Kas will sort it. Have faith in him.”

“It’s not a risk I can take. Please. I called you here because I need you to do two things for me. First, get Kas to stop Scott coming here. Nuka will kill him.”