“There was no magic.” He reiterated though clenched teeth. “Now, if you are here to argue about that then you can leave.”
“I’m not. As I said I want you to free Emma, and I’ll give you something better than her death.”
“What?” He slammed his fist down on the table next to him. The brandy glass fell to the floor and shattered.
“I can give you a Moroccan King.” There was no emotion on Scott’s face, when he spoke.
“A Moroccan King.” Nuka laughed. Did this lion think he was a complete idiot? They were a myth from ancient times. A breed of Barbary lions that ruled Morocco. A powerful animal with connections and strength all over the world. They were long since extinct though. “Jackson, throw him out.”
“Wait. I can prove it.” Scott flinched away from Jackson’s attempts to grab him.
“You want me to believe that you are a Moroccan king? Or do you have one hidden away somewhere, because looking at you, that would be the preferred option.”
“I’m the King. Free my hands, and I’ll show you.”
“So that is your plan is it. Get in here and fool us into taking the cuffs off and then attacking my alpha. We are not stupid like your pack.” Ciaran whirled his hand around in a circle and sent the lion flying onto the floor and into the wall.
“Stop.” He called.
“Nuka?” Ciaran had his hand mid turn, ready to send the lion crashing into another wall.
“Jackson, remove the cuffs.” He didn’t know why, but something told him that he needed to listen to the lion. He’d seen the love that he had for Emma. It was strong. “Ciaran be prepared to restrain him should he attack.”
“I think you are mad.” Ciaran shook his head but maintained a magical fight stance.
Jackson hauled Scott to his feet and removed the cuffs. Nuka watched the lion rub at his wrists.
“Your hospitality leaves a lot to be desired. I think you need to send your beta on an etiquette course.”
“No more games, show me.” He’d lost patience.
“Fine.” Nuka reeled back in horror when the lion dropped his pants and took his dick out. “What the fuck?”
“You want me to prove I’m a Moroccan King or not?” Scott started to stroke himself. “I know it must be intimidating to see such a big dick when you need a microscope to find yours but hey. What can you do?”
“You bastard.” Ciaran flicked his wrist and Scott went flying into the wall again. He was still stroking himself the entire time. It was then that Nuka saw it.
“Stop!” He yelled at Ciaran and pushed his beta out of the way when another blast was set to leave his hands.
“Told you.” Scott stopped stroking. His dick was hard and ribbed all over. “All Moroccan Kings have ribbed penises when erect. It is the only way for us to prove we are one.
“But the extinction?”
“There are not many of us left, less than one hundred. The genetic breeding programs that our ancestors were subjected to left us a little jaded, and many don’t have children now.” Nuka knew a little of the history of the Kings. At the height of their fame, when they had ruled over Morocco they shifted freely, never hiding who they were. But as the human population took over, they were forced to become pets for what they called the true kings. They were used to breed armies, which helped to shape many of the fights that define the middle east now. Eventually, the numbers dwindled, and the rumours of extinction surfaced. Scott Frazier was a Moroccan king. The most powerful lion shifter ever known to exist.
“What are your terms for Emma’s freedom?” He had to get him on board with his pack. It would give him the greatest advantage in the ensuing fight.
“Emma’s sentence of death is to be squashed. She is to be allowed to leave prison with her freedom, no tricks, no fear of reprisal from her brother. In return, I’ll join your pack as a breeding lion. Bring me all the women that you want,and I’ll impregnate them with kings. You’ll have an army of Moroccan Kings. You will have my guarantee of loyalty to your pack, as long as Emma remains free and unharmed.” Scott placed himself back in his trousers and was standing before him now with the offer. He held his hand out for Nuka to shake it if he agreed.
“If I do this, you will have to cut all ties with Glacial Blood. You may have to fight them. I can’t be worried on the battle field where you’ll be aligned.” His hand hovered about Scott’s.
“I ‘ll not fight Emma, but if it comes to it, I will do what I must to protect you against the others.”
“Even Kas?” He replied.
“If I must. Although, my chances against him are not good. He knows my weaknesses.” The lion shrugged.
“You will not continue a relationship with Emma either.”
“I wouldn’t want to. I wouldn’t want her to see what I’ve become.” Scott held his hand out again. This time waving it more furiously.
“Ciaran?” He wanted his beta’s opinion.
“It will give us a massive advantage, and I’ve been working on a spell to age shifters, so any cubs will be perfect candidates for experiments. We can build a massive army within the next year.”
Nuka stepped back. Having Emma out the way would be a massive advantage to the imminent fight as she was their strength but also their weakness, because she held them together on the battle field. However, for the long term, the deal with Scott would make him the most powerful Alpha in America, maybe even the world. An idea struck him, a smirk spread across his face. Yes, that may just work. The deal was for Emma’s life. It didn’t say she had to be returned to Glacial Blood. Lions were indeed all idiots. He confidently extended his hand and shook the unsuspecting King.
“You have a deal.”