Page 18 of Fighting the Lies

“Almost forgot.” She slapped her forehead. “Too eager to create mischief.” Scott disappeared this time and re-materialised in the cage with her. “And this will not do. It stinks in here.” The multi-shifter licked her lips then pointed her index finger up into the air. The ugly fluorescent light disappeared and was replaced by hundreds of tiny candles imbedded into the walls. They were scented, and the exquisite essence of orange blossom filled the air. “That bed is awful as well.” A small explosion, more of a pop really, flashed, and the bed was replaced with an opulent French styled divan. The sheets were luxurious fabrics.


“Enjoy.” The mischievous grin that her friend gave her before she disappeared left Emma with little doubt as to what the multi-shifter expected to happen next.

“Scott.” Emma held her hands out in disbelief.

“You should know by now that I don’t like the word ‘no’, and I very rarely listen to it.”

“This is dangerous.”

“Not with what Jessica and Selene have planned.” Scott stepped forward and brought her into his arms. She struggled at first, but she fitted so well against him, and the comfort he gave her was what she needed to escape her fears. “I’m going to ask you a question. I want an honest answer. I will know if you are lying, because I’ve known since the second time I met you that when you lie you get this crinkle under your left eye. It’s the only time you get it.”

She opened her mouth to protest, but he put his finger over it.

“When we’re out hunting you’re in charge. Here and now, I’m in charge. No arguing. Just answering. And hopefully, enjoying.” He grinned. It was a smile she knew well. Her heart beat faster, and damn it, was she seriously getting wet between her thighs? No, Emma, stop this. Think don’t lie?think don’t lie.

“The last time I was here, I told you that since the day I first met you I’ve loved you.”

She went to speak again. He frowned, so she thought better of it.

“You said I shouldn’t love you because of what your mother told you but you didn’t tell me your actual feelings. Do you have feelings for me?”

It was the question she feared. The one that she wanted nothing more than to scream from the top of her lungs that he was her mate, but she couldn’t. She just couldn’t allow herself to be tied to a man. She would suffer like her mother did. She opened her mouth to answer, but before she could, Scott slammed his lips against hers. He wasn’t gentle; it was pure passion flooding from his body into hers. Her legs wobbled, and he tightened his hold on her. She could barely breathe, thinking, ‘what was that?’. His tongue licked around the edges of her lips then demanded entry into her mouth. She granted it with a flourish that saw their tongues tangle in a feverous dance of passionate supremacy. She needed him. He pulled back all of a sudden and left her panting for more.

“Do you have feelings for me?” He asked again.

“I can’t.” Her fears poured cold water on her libido. She looked away.

Scott wasn’t going to give up that easily. He took her chin and adjusted her sight so that she had no choice but to look into his earnest mahogany pools.

“I love you. You are my mate. I will not hurt you.”

“You will sleep with others.” What she had seen as a child flowed from her mouth without her brain engaging on the words.

“Emma. The second my dick goes inside your perfect pussy; it will be lost forever. It will be yours and ONLY yours.”

“You say that you have loved me since the first day, but yet you’ve slept with other women.”

“And dreamed of you the entire time. Have you never noticed that all the women looked like you? And to be honest, you think I’ve slept with more people than I have. I’ve been drunk and incapable most times. I just get them off with my hand and fall asleep.” He groaned. “I want you,only you.” She flinched away, at the thought of him with other women. It had all been games between them. She’d only dated some of the manky people she had to make him jealous. She saw it now.

“You are only saying this because of where I am.”

“You could be on the fucking moon, and I’d still want you. Now answer my question.” She could no longer escape her feelings. It was time to be honest.

“I’ve known from the second I pounced on you that you were my future mate.”

Scott’s lips met hers again. This time, they didn’t part. He backed her up against the bed.

“I have to have you now. Selene and Jessica will keep Ciaran away as long as they can, but I can’t make this as special as you deserve.” He looked remorseful.

“Fuck me!”

“I thought we agreed in the bedroom I’m in charge.”

“Fuck me, please?”
