Page 16 of Fighting the Lies

“Emma’s father wanted her back. I did some digging and found out why.”


“He was going to marry her to a rival pack in order to bind them to him. She would’ve had no choice in the matter.”

“A marriage of convenience?” Jane pursed her lips together in anger. They both knew that it was still common amongst shifters. Whole families wanting to protect the purity of their blood or to start new breeds to form packs. Genetic selection was still minimal in its use amongst humans, but in the shifter world, it was encountered daily.

“Very much so.” They arrived at the spot where he had his clothes hidden. It didn’t take him long to dress. Jane sat down on a rock and swung her legs, while she waited.

“Do you think that this is what her being arrested is about?” Kas helped Jane back to her feet, and they began the slippery walk back down the mountain towards the mansion.

“I’m beginning to wonder. If Emma’s brother has partnered with Nuka, something is going on.”

“We should get back. I want to go over those papers again. There has to be something in them.” Kas could see that Brayden’s mother was determined. Brayden and Emma often played together as children, and he knew that the maternal woman had a soft spot for the lioness.

“I’m going to head out and talk to some people. I need to know more about Emma’s mother. She’s the key to this. I just know it.”

They stopped, and he faced her.

“Be careful.”

“I will. I’ve learnt to trust nothing my brother does. In fact, if you aren’t in this pack, you have to earn my trust from now on.” He shook his head. “Damn it. That reminds me. We’ve got a new park ranger starting at the end of the week. I need her checked out fully. I’ve not had time to do it.”


“No, wild dog. Can you get Tyler to look into her for me, please? I’ve left the paper work on my desk. I don’t want her even on the premises until we know every person she has ever spoken to in her life. It’s not the Glacial Blood way, but she’s going to have to be guilty until proven innocent.”

“Kas.” Jane placed her hand on his arm. “You’re doing everything you can. Don’t doubt yourself. This pack is you. You’re the heart of it; you give it breath, life…trust yourself and your mind. Emma will be brought back to us. Don’t lose faith. We’ll fight these lies and come out the other side stronger. We have each other, and we know the truth. Nuka is supercilious to the extreme, and that will be his downfall. He will wrap himself in a web bound of untruths so tightly he will drown in it. He will not win.”

Kas settled his own hand over Jane’s and squeezed. “I hope you’re right, because if we lose her, I don’t know if the pack will survive.” He pressed a light kiss to the top of her forehead. “I’ll be back later. Watch them.”
