The worse thing about being in prison, under a death sentence, is the boredom. Endless hours staring at the same piece of mould growing on the wall. Emma couldn’t make plans for the future, because well, she didn’t have one. Her future involved a length of rope around her neck. It had been two days, and she was waiting for them to come for her. Her last meal had been delivered, a fat steak, shame it was well done instead of rare, but at least she’d had some nice meat. Her body had begun to wonder if she would get flesh again. They’d brought her a plain white A-line dress to wear and had ordered that she tie her long blonde hair up. She wished they’d given her a brush to comb out the rat’s nest of tangles. She must look a fright. Scott wouldn’t want her this way. Scott, her heart beat faster. It had been four days since she’d slept with him. She could still feel the satisfying ache between her thighs. It was the only thing keeping her going. Would he be there today? She hoped that Kas kept him away. She didn’t want his last memories of her to be her dying breath.
She gasped when approaching footsteps drew her out of her reflection. The door opened, and Ethern appeared. He looked pale.
“Is it time?” Her voice trembled when she spoke.
Ethern opened the door to her cage and held his hand out for her to exit.
“You are to be released.” Her mouth fell open; she replayed the words over in her head again. No, he couldn’t have said that.
“I’m not going to die today?”
“No.” She wanted to scream and jump for joy, but the look on Ethern’s face told her that more was going on than she knew. He looked sick to the stomach.
“What’s going on?”
“This way, Miss Bryant, please.”
“Ethern?” There was a pleading tone to her voice.
“I’m sorry.” It was all he said to her before turning and striding purposefully back through the dungeon. She followed, her steps almost at a jog to keep up with him. The feral animals howled and roared, when she walked through the room that housed them. Nobody should be kept in a cage for life. Her eyes caught a lone shifter. He was older than the rest, most probably in his sixties. His sad eyes looked at her. He was banging his head against the bars,even the wild nature of the beast inside him was gone. Something flickered within him. He noticed her. His eyes changed to a reptilian state. Small scales of gold patterning the lids. She shook her head. Nope, they were still there.
“Emma, keep up.” She realised she’d stopped.
“Sorry.” She looked at Ethern when she spoke but immediately turned back to the silent prisoner. His eyes were back to normal. “Why is he quiet in comparison to the others?”
“Who?” She pointed towards the cell.
“He’s been here a long time.” Ethern replied.
“Why?” She wanted to know more. Her fate was forgotten in favour of the man who’d captured her attention.
“He went feral and attacked a village.” Ethern regarded the old man with a look of compassion.
“What type of shifter is he?”
“But?” Hadn’t she seen his eyes change to a reptile?
“He’s a tiger, Emma.” Ethern grabbed both of her hands and held them tight. “We need to hurry. No more questions.”
“Ok.” She took one last look at the man, before Ethern pulled her from the room. This time, his eyes shifted to a tiger. She must be delirious from being in the cell for far too long.
The corridors of the Reichstag passed by in a flash of colour and light. The light especially hurt her eyes. It was so dark down in the dungeon. If she was to be released, the first thing she would do would be to shift and go for a long run and then have a lengthy soak in the bath with lots of bubbles. Hopefully, Scott would be there to greet her, and they could do both together.
Ethern stopped at a large oak door. It had crest carved into it with pentagrams and unrecognisable symbols. Wait no, she’d seen them before. They appeared on Selene’s skin when she was in witch form. She thought of her friend. She couldn’t wait to hug her so very tightly. Ethern knocked on the door. A masculine voice called back, ‘Enter’. The door was opened, and Ethern pushed her in but did not enter himself. When she stepped, in she saw why. There were only three people in the room, Nuka, Ciaran, and her brother.
“What’s going on?” She turned to try and leave, but the door magically shut, leaving her trapped with the three people who orchestrated her current fate.
“Take a seat sister.” Her brother sneered.
“I’d rather stand.” She knew she could defeat her brother, if needed, but Nuka and Ciaran were in a different class, and she was weak from her imprisonment. Standing gave her the best chance of success, if needed.