Page 99 of Broken

I nod. “My mom loved them. When the chemo made her sick, she said these were the only thing that helped with the nausea. I thought they might be good for the morning sickness.”

She stares up at me, her eyes wet with tears that she quickly blinks away. “I’m sorry. I get emotional so easily these days.” She sniffs.

I resist the urge to brush away the stray tear leaking from the corner of her eye. If I put my hands on her again, I won’t ever want to stop. “I’m sure that’s all normal, right?”

“Yeah.” She wipes the tear away herself. “You’d better get used to another eight months of pregnancy hormones. You sure you’re ready for that?” She blinks up at me, and although it was supposed to be a lighthearted joke, we both know she’s really asking me if I’m going to be there for her.

Unable to resist touching her any longer, I tuck her dark hair behind her ear. “Bring it on, Spitfire.”

She smiles. That sweet-as-fuck, heart-melting smile. “Thank you, Nathan.”

When I get backto the office, a familiar face is chatting with my secretary, Helen.

“Sapphire, what the hell are you doing here?”

She tosses her long dark hair over her shoulder, her blue eyes twinkling. “I’m in town for the event on Thursday. Thought I’d drop by.”

I ask Helen to rustle us up some coffees before I usher my old college buddy into my office. She takes a seat by the window, admiring the view for a moment before she turns her attention to me. “Congratulations on the wedding, by the way. I assume my invitation got lost in the mail.” She smirks wickedly.

“It was a very intimate event. Only close family, and not even all of them were there.”

She hums, eyeing me with suspicion, but she doesn’t push, which I’m grateful for. “Well, I’m looking forward to meeting your lovely wife on Thursday. And I was hoping I could tag along with you guys. You know I hate walking into these things alone.”

“What? Sapphire Huntington doesn’t have a date? I don’t believe it.”

She rolls her eyes. “I’ve dated every woman in Chicago. Maybe I need to move back to New York.”

“Pretty sure you’ve dated all the women here too.”

She lets out a throaty laugh. “I was hoping your brother might be my plus-one, but he’s not coming.” She pulls a face.

“No. He has a huge case he’s prepping for.”

“He works too hard. I can’t remember the last time we went out for a drink. I was so excited when he moved to Chicago, but he’s nowhere near as much fun as you.”

“Drake is a ton of fun,” I insist, compelled to defend him. “He’s just wrapped up in his work right now.”

She rolls her eyes. “So can I be your third wheel or no?”

I clear my throat. “Actually, Mel won’t be coming.”

“Oh?” Her eyes narrow. “Trouble in paradise already?”

I glance down at my wedding ring, the one I still wear in the office. News of our separation isn’t public yet, at least not outside of Nielsen’s Veterinary Practice, and while I trust Sapphire, something stops me from telling her the truth. “No. She’ll be out of town.”

“So we can both go stag then?” Her eyes twinkle with mischief. “Just like college.”

I pinch the spot between my brows. “Yeah.”

“Great. I’ll come by your place for a quick drink before we leave. We can catch up before we have to do the whole fake-smile thing all night.”

I nod my agreement. It could be exactly what I need to take my mind off my pint-sized siren.

