Page 96 of Broken

“So I can come with you to the scan?”

I nod but avoid looking at him. If I see the happiness in his voice reflected in his eyes, it will only break my heart more.

He steps back and opens the door of his car for me. I climb inside and lean against the door, trying to stay as far away from him as humanly possible. Once he’s inside, the car pulls away from the curb. We spend a few minutes in awkward silence before I realize I haven’t told him where my appointment is. I never told him I even had one. What the hell?

I turn in my seat and watch him stare out the window. So calm and self-assured, while I’m full of anxiety and fear. “How did you even know I had a scan today?”

He shrugs. “I’m a man of many talents.”

“You must know that’s a gross invasion of my privacy.”

He gives me his full attention. “What else was I supposed to do when you wouldn’t take my calls?”

“Because you acted like a giant asshole,” I remind him.

He licks his bottom lip and closes his eyes, like he’s trying to keep a lid on his emotions. “I’m sorry about what I said.”

“Yeah, you already told me that.” I turn and stare out at the people on the street.

“Why are you having a scan so early anyway?”

I press my lips together. Tears burn behind my eyes. I don’t want to have this conversation. Not now, not with him. I hope my silence conveys that.

He presses me anyway. “Is it because there might be a problem?”

I swallow the lump in my throat and swat away the tear that rolls down my cheek.

“If there’s something wrong, Mel, I should know. Let me—”

I cut him off before he can start playing the white knight. He does not get to be the hero here. “I lost two babies.”

“Mel, I had no idea. I’m sorry.” He reaches for my hand, but I yank it away.

“I don’t need your pity.”

He mutters something unintelligible, but I remain focused on the street outside and do my damnedest not to think about that time in my life. Thankfully Nathan doesn’t push me any further, and we spend the rest of the journey in silence.




There’s not much to be seen in the grainy image on the screen, but the obstetrician is smiling as she points out our baby, and the sound of the rapid heartbeat fills the small exam room.

But most of my focus is on Mel’s face. Previously a mask of worry, it’s now lit up like a Christmas tree. Her eyes shine with unbridled happiness, and I have never seen her look more beautiful than she does at this moment.

“You’re six weeks and three days pregnant,” Dr. Walker says.

“Wow!” I blink at the fuzzy image on the screen again. “You can be that accurate?”

“Sure can,” she says with a smile, before she directs all of her attention to Mel again. “Because of your history, we’ll schedule another scan at ten weeks and again at twelve weeks.”

Mel nods her understanding, and Dr. Walker removes the wand and sanitizes her equipment while Mel cleans herself up. My hands twitch by my sides as I resist the urge to help her, butI’m pretty sure she doesn’t need my assistance to get her panties back on.

The doctor is making notes on her computer, and she glances up at Mel. “Remind me how far along you were with your previous miscarriages.”

I watch my wife’s slender throat thicken as she swallows. “Six weeks with the first, and sixteen with the second.”