Page 103 of Broken

Logic tells me that’s true, even if my heart won’t let me believe that yet. “What if…” My lip trembles.

He dusts his lips over my forehead. “What, corazón?”

“What if I’m broken?” The words leave my mouth on a sob.

He sighs, his warm breath dancing over my skin. “You’re not. At least not in the way you mean. But we’re all a little broken, Mel. It’s the inevitability of a life well lived. And it’s the pieces of us that knit back together that make us who we are.”

I fist my hand in his shirt and bury my face in his chest once more. “Thank you for coming today.”

“There is no world where I wouldn’t be there for you and our baby. I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere, okay?”

I nod. But the reminder that there is no baby anymore makes tears burn my eyes again. This is the end of him and me for good, but neither of us wants to admit that right now. Because at this moment, we’re all each other has.

“We slept through lunch. Let me make you something to eat.”

“I’m not hungry.”

He rubs a soothing hand along my spine. “Regardless, you’re going to eat, corazón.”

I grumble a feeble protest but don’t resist when he takes my hand and pulls me up from the bed.




The heated marble floors are pleasantly warm under my bare feet, unlike the wooden floors of Tyler’s apartment. The smell of coffee makes my mouth water. Nathan is already at the machine, pouring himself a cup with his back to me. He’s dressed in gray sweatpants and a tight-fitting T-shirt, and I lean against the doorframe, taking him in. He really is a good man. He was so sweet last night. After we ate dinner, we watched mind-numbing TV. I fell asleep with my head on his lap, and I’m pretty sure I woke up to him stroking my hair.

Then he walked me to my room, and I was so close to asking him to stay with me, but he kissed me on the forehead and wished me goodnight. It felt like asking him to spend the night with me, if only to have comfort from the warmth of his body next to mine, would be crossing a line.

He spins on his heel, and I clear my throat, pretending like I wasn’t staring at him.

“Morning. Did you sleep?”

I nod and stretch. “I did. I forgot how comfy that bed was. It beats Tyler’s old fold-out couch any day of the week.”

He offers me a faint smile, and I ask, “Did you sleep well?”

“Not really, but that’s nothing new.” He takes a sip of his coffee. “You want a cup?”

“Yes please. Caffeinate me up.” I sit on a stool and watch him fill a clean mug. “No reason for me to drink that decaf junk any longer, huh?” The swell of emotion takes me by surprise, and I swat away a tear that dribbles down my cheek, hoping he doesn’t see. I’m not quick enough. The concern on his face makes me feel guilty for putting all of this on him.

He places the mug on the counter in front of me and rests his lips on the top of my head. “I’m sorry I can’t seem to stop crying,” I say with a sniff.

“You went through something horrific, Mel. You’re entitled to cry as much or as little as you want.”

I grab hold of his T-shirt and press my face against his chest, inhaling his comforting masculine scent. “Why us? Why couldn’t I have kept this one?”

“I don’t fucking know, corazón.” He sighs. “I wish I did.”

I look up at him, and the sorrow etched into his face makes my heart break all over again. “I know it was early, but I imagined what they’d be like, you know? Would they be super smart like you, or into animals and nature like me?”

He nods, his eyes glistening with tears. “I imagined too.”

“You did?”

He brushes my hair back from my face. “Yeah. Whether I’d be going to dance recitals and little league games, or science fairs and debate competitions. Or all of the above.”