He looked like hell, his golden eyes dull, his rusty-blond hair matted and overlong, his right ear scarred, the days-old dust on his sunken cheeks crisscrossed with dried tear tracks.

Paris lowered to the ground in front of him, sitting with his legs crossed, then offered Mary a hand down as well. “Do you actually stay with the pack, or are you out here every night?” she asked Robin.

“What difference does it make?”

“Because none of us should exist alone,” Paris said. “Especially not someone whose aura is as wrecked as yours. And I thought Mac’s when I met him was bad.” He whistled low, and the coyote cracked a smirk.

“You sound like him.”



Paris shrugged, taking it as a compliment to be compared to his sassy friend. “Maybe we’re both just people who will give it to you honest.”

“And what are you here to give me honest, medium?”

“For starters, forgiveness.”

He snarled. “I don’t need?—”

“Bullshit,” Paris snarled right back. “You do, and I give it to you, because you were right. We were ready; I was ready.” There’d been a time when Robin had made him doubt himself, but when it had mattered most, he’d believed in him. “And now the giants are gone.”

His golden gaze drifted over Paris’s shoulder, the direction he and Mary had come, back toward Monte Corvo. “Do they forgive me?”

“No, and they won’t for a while.”

“And you’re no closer to finding Atlas, are you?” Mary asked.

“What’s it matter to you? You gonna ’fess up finally?”

When she didn’t reply, Paris reached out and laid a hand on Robin’s knee, drawing the coyote’s attention back to him. “That’s the other thing I’m here to give you.”

His eyes grew wide. “Atlas?”

“No. The truth about the day your sister died,ifyou want it.”

Robin’s gulp was audible in the otherwise quiet clearing, only the buzz of late harvest bees zipping from one plot to the next breaking the silence. Until eventually Robin stuttered out a shaky “Yes.”

Paris closed his eyes and felt for the souls connected to the tragedy that had occurred here ten years ago. He could call Deborah or David across the plane, anyone else who’d been here that day, but where he could help it, he didn’t disrupt souls from their final resting place. And besides, he’d sensed another lingering soul here, other than Robin’s living one, as soon as they’d neared the clearing—a shifter who’d been pressed into service for the other side, who’d known something they’d waited all this time to share.

Contact made, the vision shifted, Paris in his shoes on the edge of a green-tinged battle in the same clearing, only there were more trees then and a wooden structure where Robin sat.

Deborah and David were easy to spot among the other combatants, she the largest coyote on the field, he a human with orange and red magic rippling across his skin. On one knee, he was desperate to save his family but struggling to keep the phoenix in check.

A bolt of yellow magic zipped their direction, and Paris swung his gaze in the direction it had come. A suited Atlas stood wielding globes of magic, sending one after another Deborah and David’s direction. Until someone grabbed his arm, sending a bolt off-kilter. Paris followed its trajectory, afraid it was the one that killed Deborah, but it missed, just barely, and he turned his attention back to Atlas.

And gasped. There were two of them. The suited one from before and another one in a kilt and leather gauntlets. Side by side, Paris noticed the differences he’d missed the other night on the altar when he’d been consumed by pain and betrayal. The suited one’s blond hair a shade darker, his green eyes shot through with yellow, a mole at the corner of his right eye that Paris knew Atlas didn’t have.

“Don’t do this,” the kilted Atlas argued. “I can’t bring you back from this.”

“First, it was Canton. Now, it’s you. Is Cole here too?”

“Listen to me.”

“No,” the stranger barked, because that was who he was to Paris—a stranger, not Atlas. “I’m done listening. I’m done falling in line. I’m done pretending we’re not as powerful as we are.”

“Chaos will use you.”