Jack stares at me and says nothing. His Adam’s apple bobs.
Great job not being suspicious, jackass.
“At least stay for a drink,” Seth says. “We’re just watching the game, anyway.”
“No, really, it’s fine, I can just–” I grab the too small purse. “Save the paperwork for the office tomorrow.”
Mason rubs my shoulder. “Oh, come on, stick around! It’ll be fun. We want to hear about how Jack is handling life as a businessman.”
“And your side of your fake relationship,” the blonde man, who I assume is Nate, blurts.
I zip every muscle in my body together in an attempt to disappear, looking to Jack for some sort of answer.
“My mom told my dad about the whole thing, so I had to tell him it was fake and now I guess he’s gone and blabbed,” Jack says without any humor.
“Come on, don’t be so sour-faced about it. It’s funny,” Nate says, climbing up onto the back of the couch to join in the conversation better.
Jack chews on his lower lip.
Seth rolls his eyes. “I got you an assistant, Jack, not a girlfriend.”
“Business partner, actually,” I say with an assured smile.
Seth grins. “Atta girl.”
“Here, give me your coat,” Mason says, wrapping his fingers around the collar of my jacket. “And Jack will get you a drink and you can tell us everything.”
Before I can protest any more, Mason pulls my coat off me, leaving me in my cute little dress meant for Jack’s eyes only.
“You don’t have to hang it up, I won’t stay long,” I call after him, but it’s no use. When I turn back to Jack, it’s clear the dress has done the trick. His eyes are indulging in the view, tracing the lines of my curves and the revelation of my legs.
If he had known I was coming by, he probably wouldn’t have chosen gray sweatpants because there’s already a shadow forming where his erection grows.
I smooth out the bottom of my skirt and take a few steps toward him. “A drink?”
“Yeah, yeah, what do you want?” Jack steps away from me to the fridge and opens it for me.
I glance over at the coffee table crowded by half-drunk bottles of beer. “I’ll just have what everyone else is having.”
Jack reaches into the fridge, but I nestle into the space in front of him to grab it myself. His arm brushes up against my shoulder, almost like he’s holding me from behind.
“I got it,” I say with a soft smile over my shoulder.
I bend forward, let my hips bump up against his.
Jack recoils like he’s been stung by a bee.
My fingers curl around the neck of the bottle, like they would his dick. Tender, yet insistent.
“Thanks,” I murmur and sneak out from between him and the fridge, going to join the guys on the couches.
Jack doesn’t follow me. Instead, he presses himself up against the island again, his hips hidden from view. Trying to will his erection to go down, no doubt.
“Here, let me–” Seth takes my bottle from me and snaps off the cap with a bottle opener.
“Oh, thanks.” I take a swig, casting a vague glance at Jack.
He’s pissed. His arms are crossed over his chest and his jaw is clenched. I try to hide my smile as I take a sip of the beer. I’ve shown up unannounced, insisted I get my own drink, and had another man take care of opening it for me.