Dad laughs. “Very much ready to not be pregnant. I’m half expecting to get the call she’s in labor every moment. You know, twins have a tendency to come early.”
He’s stressed, but so happy. It’s obvious. I swallow down something that feels like jealousy. For what, I don’t know. For his relationship? For the babies yet to be born who will have a mother and father committed to one another? Or for the fact there are babies at all?
“Anyway, I know you didn’t take time out of your busy schedule just to sit down with me and catch up, so–”
“No, come on, lay it on me.” He twiddles his fingers toward him.
I sigh. “Fine. I wanted to know if you’d be willing to rent out one of your commercial properties to me.”
My father might have been a playboy in his youth, but he wasn’t an idiot. He knew where his money was at all times and has done very well in the real estate market, buying, flipping, selling, renting. It’s his passive income, as if he needs any more. Although, I shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. His money gave me more than a head start in life.
He snorts. “I’m willing togiveone to you, Jack. In fact, I’m eager to.”
I can’t ignore the warmth sprouting in my chest. “I’d be happy to lease it from you.”
“Jack, you’re my son, that would be ridiculous. No. I don’t need the money anyway. Did you have one in mind?” Dad swirls his whisky.
“Preferably one already suited to a coffee shop. Although, for the right spot, I wouldn’t mind putting the work in.”
“Got it. And location?”
“Probably Manhattan. Willing to consider Brooklyn, though.”
“I’ll let the property manager know, and we’ll get you set up with some tours. Let’s say, beginning of next week. That work with your timeline?”
I smile. “Yeah, that’s great.”
“Great! Now that that’s settled, I want to hear about Hawaii.”
My body bristles. “Oh. It was good.”
My father’s eyes narrow. I know that look. He knows something, and he’s trying to corner me. “You know, your mother called me?”
I laugh too boisterously for the room. Some businessmen playing a game of poker a table over give me a glare. “You’re joking.”
“I know, been a long time since we’ve spoken. At least civilly.” Dad looks down at his knees.
My mother and father have never gotten along after he left, if that weren’t already obvious from the malice my mother has for him. It’s a miracle they talk at all. “What did she say?”
He doesn’t look up. “Just mentioned she was furious with me for not telling her about your girlfriend.”
I don’t move a muscle. Not even to breathe.
He lifts his eyes to me and smiles. Fuck, he’s expecting me to say something.
I take a quick drink and nearly cough on the burn of whisky, something I haven’t done in years. “What did you tell her?”
“I played along if that’s what you’re asking.”
Thank god.
“But I can’t help being surprised, considering…I haven’t met or even heard of any girlfriend you might have.”