Page 123 of Until I Find You

He shrugs. “I mean, if you want to get married in the next five and a half months, I can absolutely propose to you.”

“Doyouwant to get married?”

“Don’t turn the question on me,” Jack replies. He stares at me with a soft smile. “If that’s what you want, I’m not going to say no.”

He takes the pleasing me thing a bit too far sometimes.

“I don’t want you marrying me just because…I’m not in a rush for that, I’m just trying to understand.” Not going to pretend I’m not totally flummoxed over half a proposal.

“Camilla, my family is weird.”

“Mine is too.”

Jack rolls over and sits up, raking his fingers through his hair and messing it up all over again. “No, but think about all the relationships in my family. They’re weird, Cami, likeweird.”

Dad marrying son’s ex-girlfriend. A throuple. Stepsiblings turned lovers who aren’t even technically in the Lyons family. “Okay, I see your point.”

“Life is way stranger than fiction when it comes to us. We’ve seen the most upside-down dynamics have happy endings.”

“So, you’re saying we’re upside down?”

“No, baby girl, no, not at all,” Jack says, pulling me into his arms.

“I’m saying that…for all our issues, I think we operate under a philosophy that it’s not actually that hard to love. So, why wouldn’t they love you immediately?” He kisses my ear. “Especiallybecause we’re having a baby together.”

I lean back in his arms and let all of that sink in. “I can understand why my mom and dad chose me without knowing me. Because I was a baby and needed them. But I can’t understand why your family would choose me.”

“Because I chose you,” Jack responds without missing a beat. “And because you’re…you. You’re fantastic.”

He starts kissing my neck, slow, lingering kisses.

I’m overwhelmed by love. Oversaturated with it. But can you ever have too much love?

“You don’t have to love them back right away, I know they’re an acquired taste.” He chuckles.

“No, no, I’m just…it’s all sinking in that our family isn’t just us.”

“No, it’s not,” he says. “But we don’t have to think about them today.”

Jack has a family that loves him. Loves me. And I have a family that loves me, and I think will love him too when they finally get to meet. That’s a helluva lot of love.

Why do I keep searching for more when I already have everything?

“You still feeling up for the showings this afternoon?” he asks, brushing some curls off my face. “We can reschedule if you’re tired and just need a day.”

“No, that will be good.” An easy way to focus on just us.

“And tomorrow, I know you were helming the interviews, but I want you to take the day off.”


“I can do it just fine. I’ve learned from the best,” he says.

I won’t lie, a three-day weekend sounds incredible. “I’m pregnant, not ill.”

“Baby girl…” Jack nudges my nose with his. “Daddy wants you to stay home tomorrow.”

A chill runs down my spine.