“And then–” I press my hands into the cushion and lift myself closer to her. “You tried so hard to resist me.”
Camilla rolls her eyes. “Yes, wasn’t very strong in that regard, was I?”
“And you’ve managed to open a full-fledged business–”
“With your help.”
“And embrace accidentally getting pregnant.”
“I don’t like to think about it as an accident.”
I ignore her. “Andnowwhen you’re supposed to be able to take a step back with Keiki open and focus on slowing down…”
“I’m not going to slow down,” she grumbles, tucking her hands onto her stomach.
I laugh, resting my hand on hers. “Baby girl, you’re talking back, and I’m trying to give you a compliment.”
Camilla lifts a fry in the air. “You like when I talk back.”
I sigh, shaking my head as I lean down to press a kiss to her stomach. “I adore you. I love you. And you need to shut up for just thirty seconds to let me say what I need to say.”
Camilla puts the fry in her mouth and raises her eyebrows.Talk.
“Everything today was supposed to be a deep breath. And Juana shows up, which I know couldn’t have gone better, but it was unexpected. And yet here you are, bubbly and bright andglowing.”
She flutters her lashes, eats another fry.
I slide my hands under her, massaging her lower back. “You’re strong, baby girl. You’re so strong.”
Camilla presses her lips together into a smile. “Thank you.”
“I want to be as strong as you,” I say. “Since my mom is in town, I think I’ll try and have a talk with her about…everything.”
Camilla ruffles my hair and cups my cheek. “I think that’s a great idea.”
“But now, I need you to relax and let go and let Daddy take care of you. Okay?”
“Okay, Daddy.”
I give her a soft kiss. Her lips taste like the salty fries. I could devour her, makehermy late-night snack.
Camilla sighs, a high-pitched, cute sound.
“You’re tired, baby girl. Let me take you to bed.”
“I don’t want to go to sleep.”
“You’ve been up for far too long, I am sorry, I know I’m not the bedtime type but–”
“No, I’m notreadyto go to bed.”
I rub my hands up and down her sides, her changing curves filling my hands.
I part the robe at her chest, drop a kiss to the crest of each swollen breast. “What is it, baby girl?”
“Would you please…do me? But in a way where I don’t have to do anything?”