The triplets had been such a huge surprise for them but such a blessing as well. They adored their children and were proud of their accomplishments. They even blessed them with grandchildren, one set of triplets in the bunch.
“Did you guys need something?” asked Angel quietly, not wanting to disturb Mary.
“Just walking by the cabin,” said Marc. “See you at dinner tonight.” He hugged his three children, kissing their cheeks as they left, laughing and joking with one another. When he turned, Mary was pushing back her wave of auburn hair, twisting it on top of her head with a pencil. Her voluptuous breasts pressed forward, and his body reacted.
“You still take my breath away,” he whispered. She looked up at him, smiling.
“How long have you been standing there?” she smiled.
“A while,” he grinned, walking toward her. He placed his hands on her hips, pulling her toward him. His body was hot for her, and he wasn’t about to let her go. “You’re as beautiful as the day I met you.”
“I remember that day,” she smiled, rubbing her hands up and down his arms. “I thought you were joking with me, wanting to have coffee with an older woman.”
“I believe you thought I was after the stick-figure models,” he frowned.
“Don’t remind me. I hate that I thought that about you. You’ve proven over a lifetime that this is the body you wanted. I’m grateful every day that you chose me and that I was smart enough to say yes.”
“This body still makes me so fucking hard and hot I can’t stand it. Can you stop what you’re doing?” he asked. She nodded, nibbling on that lower lip like she always did. “Good. Because I’m going to make long, slow, sweet love to you, my Mary. When I’m done, I’m going to do it again.”
“Then lock the door, sexy,” she grinned. “I don’t want to be disturbed.”
“Noah Anders, if you get hurt by this psycho, I’m going to be pissed off,” said Tru. He gripped her thick waist, thrusting her body into his own hard one. One hand slid up her back, gripping her hair and forcing her neck back to stare up at him.
“I would never piss off my beautiful wife. I desire you too much to make you angry with me,” he said, kissing down her throat. She hummed, moaning at his touch.
“Wh-what are you doing?” she whispered.
“I am going to make love to my wife. Sweet, slow, beautiful love to the woman who has always been my perfect soulmate. The one who knows what my body needs. I remember every second of my life with you. Every moment.”
“M-me too,” she gasped as his hard cock ground into her body.
“When we were in Louisiana, before you and I became a couple. Travis asked me what it was about you that I knew was special. I remember every word I said to him. I said, ‘She is tall. I need a tall woman. Her hair is the most beautiful shade of brown with these subtle hints of red and blonde that are barely noticeable. Her eyes are the richest hue of chocolate, but there are these tiny flecks of gold in them. She has curves, but not unnatural curves that women purchase. You can tell that she enjoys food and is not afraid to choose more than a salad. But it is her spirit, her resilience, that makes her truly beautiful. She survived the death of her brother. She took over the care of her nephew, and she survived the death of him. Beyond that, she has also survived whatever Brian Chauvin did to her.’”
“You knew even then that Brian had hurt me,” she said, staring into his eyes.
“I knew that he was responsible for some of your pain. I just wanted to wipe that pain from your memory.” He kissed down one shoulder, slipping her blouse off and unhooking her bra.
“And, and you have,” she said breathlessly.
“I love you, Tru. I never thought I was capable of such love. Then you blessed me with a son of my own. How could one man be so lucky?”
“Lucky? I’m the one that was lucky, Noah. You didn’t give up on me. You saved me from myself and everyone else. I owe you the life that I have, that we have.”
He lifted his wife, carrying her to their bedroom. Pulling her jeans off, then her panties, he was thrilled to look down at her naked form. The soft swell of her belly, the fleshy thighs that comforted his body at night. When he stripped, he placed his rock-hard body between those thighs and, with agonizing control, slid inside his wife.
“You make me a better man,” he groaned, rocking his hips forward.
“You are already the best man I know,” she gasped. “Noah. Noah, I need more of you.”
“You shall have all of me.”
The man was insatiable. Hours of lovemaking with such skill he could have taught a class on it. Generous, always ensuring that she was first, he thanked his wife over and over again. When they were finally sated, she rolled onto her side, resting her head in her hand.
“Not that I didn’t appreciate this magnificent afternoon delight, but what’s wrong? I sense there’s something bothering you.”
“You always know me better than anyone.”