He looked at the receipt. Angel Haven. Okay, that had to be a fucking sign, right?
“Thanks for all your help, Mary.”
She looked up at him, confused as to how he knew her name, and then she saw his eyes move to her chest. She immediately chastised herself for thinking there was something else. Just her name tag.
“Do you own this shop?”
“I do. It’s my baby, pardon the pun.” She smiled up at him. “I’ve been here about two years now. Things are finally starting to pick up.”
“It’s really great. My friends all seem to be having babies right now. It’s a bit overwhelming,” he casually looked at her left hand, which was mercifully ringless.
“I know what you mean. I think that has passed me by,” she said with a hint of a sad tone.
“No way. You’re still young and beautiful. I’m sure you’ll have a family one day,” he smiled his best smile at her, but she only looked at him in an odd way. Nothing lustful, nothing flirtatious, almost curious, and something else, something Angel hated — pain.
“I don’t think so, Mr. Jordan,” she said.
“Angel, just call me Angel,” he said.
“Okay. Angel. I don’t think so. Those days have passed me by, I assure you.” She moved around the counter, and two more women entered the store. “Is there anything else I can do for you, Angel?”
“Have coffee with me.” He flashed his brightest smile and hoped that there would be something in the beautiful woman in front of him that would prompt her to say ‘yes.’
She looked at him with an open mouth and just stared.
“That’s not funny, Mr. Jor- Angel. I may not be the supermodel stick figure I’m sure you’re used to, but I have feelings, and I have standards. I don’t like being the butt of jokes and made fun of. I know who I am, and I’m happy with that. I don’t date pricks.” Her face flamed red, and her eyes welled with tears.
His eyes flew wide, and at first, he was pissed. But looking into her eyes, he realized that she had been hurt. Bad. Someone had told this beautiful creature that she wasn’t worthy of being loved, and he was suddenly angry, but not at her.
“Listen, Mary, you don’t know me at all, but I don’t date stick-figure supermodels. In fact, I haven’t had a date in almost a year. And I sure as hell don’t ask women for coffee unless I want to get to know them. So please don’t think you have me all figured out when we don’t even know one another. I’m a good, decent man, and I find you incredibly beautiful.” He took a breath and watched her wary expression. “Now. I’d like to have coffee with you and get to know you. Would you be interested?”
“I’m sorry, Angel. That was rude of me. I’m so embarrassed. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions like that. I promise I’m not normally like this. Listen, I don’t know if this is a good idea. I’m several years older than you are,” she said quietly.
“Mary, it’s just coffee. Please,” he said pleadingly, taking her hand in his. His long, beautiful fingers held her hand, and she nearly came right there in her panties.
“Alright,” she said with a shy smile. “I close the shop at four every day. I’m closed on Mondays and Sundays and only open Saturday mornings.”
“Okay then,” he said with a huge grin across his face. “I’ll be back at four.”
“Wait?! Today?” she said, confused and somewhat panicked.
He reached for the door handle and turned to face her, smiling, the light from the glass shining a halo around his head.
“Today, Mary. Mary, what’s your last name?” he said casually.
“Mary Fitzhugh,” she said in a stunned voice.
“Okay, Mary Fitzhugh, I, Luke “Angel” Jordan, will be back here at four. See you then, Mary, Mary.”
“She’s still hot, isn’t she, Dad?” smirked Luke behind him. He was standing with his brother Marc and sister Georgie. He chuckled softly, nodding at them.
“She’s still the most beautiful woman in the entire world. I’m glad you all see that as well.”
“We got both of your genes. Great genes, in fact,” smiled Georgie.