Page 32 of Innocence

“Yes, ma’am,” said Ghost, seeing Gates speaking to his father. He must have mentioned that they were working on the case. “We’re very sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you. Gifford was a special young man, and I have to believe God called him home for a reason.” She looked at Nine, the lines and wrinkles on his forehead in a deep furrow. “You’re struggling with that, aren’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am, I guess I am,” he said. “He had his whole life ahead of him. Everything just waiting for him an arm’s length away. It was stolen from him.”

“Yes. Yes, it was,” she said with a deep heavy sigh. “But we had twenty-two years, three months, and six days with him. Each one more special than the last. How many parents don’t get that? It is not mine to question. I believe that this was for a reason. Perhaps to help all of you find this monster. Find him and make sure he knows that my son gave forgiveness as his last words.” She shook their hands and walked back to her family as the men just stared.

“Southern women are so unique,” said Gaspar. “She reminds me of Mama with her faith in God and the world. I wish I had that sometimes.” Ghost nodded at his friends.

“You and me both, brother.”

They returned to Belle Fleur in time for dinner with the entire team. Alistair and Clark were still in the euphoric phase of being newlyweds, and it was wonderful for their souls to see a glimpse of that hope and light.

“You said you had an idea,” said Noah to Ghost and the others.

“I did,” said Ghost, “but it isn’t going to work. Too risky.”

“Well, I have an idea,” he said.

“Let’s hear it, brother,” said Nine.

“Mary is already teaching at the university. Since we have narrowed down that room as our culprits’ lair, it makes sense to perhaps move her to this space. She is a profiler. Let her profile.”

“Have you spoken to Angel about this?” frowned Nine.

“Yes.” Noah rubbed his jaw, then smirked. “He was in disagreement. Then Mary spoke some sense into him. He understands the severity of the situation, and since he also is working at the university temporarily, he has agreed. Oh. I must be in the room at all times.”

“You?” frowned Ian.

“Yes. I will be acting as her assistant professor. Professor Gates is going to take some leave. I can assure you that she will never be alone.”

“Brother, I believe you, and if she were my wife, I’d love knowing that you were there to protect her, but this person is seriously unhinged. If they perceive her as a threat, they will attempt to get to her.”

“And I will be there to stop them.” Noah was always so resolute, so confident. In many ways, he was just like Trak. Physically, the complete opposite in looks. But his mannerisms and style were very close to the senior.

“If Mary and Angel are in agreement, we’re in agreement,” said Ian. “I’ll continue to teach there, as will Baptiste, Rafe, Angel, and Faith. We’ll have enough folks close by that we’ll figure this out.”

Noah nodded at the men walking back to Angel and Mary. Angel reached out a hand, shaking the big man’s paw and laughing. Noah rubbed his jaw again and just nodded.

“Angel has balls. I’m not sure I would have clocked the big man. From the front anyway,” smirked Ghost.

“He’s a big bastard, that’s for sure,” said Nine. “He does remind me of Trak sometimes.”

“Who does?”

“Fuck me!”


“You are such an asshole!” said Nine.

“Your hearing is going,” said Trak with a straight face. “I have good news. Alvin has found a mate. Her name is…”

“No. No, no, don’t tell me. Ally?” frowned Gaspar. Trak stared at him, unwilling to crack a smile.

“No. Her name is Tina.”

“Tina. The fucking alligator’s name is Tina?” growled Gaspar. “Unbelievable.