Page 28 of Innocence

“And I could use a few s’mores, a glass of wine, and my husband in the shower with me.”

“Oh, damn. Let’s skip that shit,” he grinned.

“No way! I want my s’mores.”

He could only laugh, grateful for his beautiful wife and her sense of humor. Mostly, though, he was grateful that she chose to love him even when he was stupid and nearly let her go.

Bull had his guitar out, strumming soft, sweet tunes and humming along. It sounded as if he never actually finished a song, just let it float across the grove, relaxing everyone. As always, they heard the animals behind them. Animals that were supposed to be contained on their own island, yet somehow always found their way to their island.

Gaspar turned to see Alvin, Semu, and one of the bison. He just shook his head, resigning himself to the fact that he was living in an asylum. A good one, the kind you could survive, but it was an asylum, nevertheless.

Code and Sly walked slowly toward the group around the fire pit. Both men had concerning looks on their faces, a sheet of paper in their hands.

“What now?” growled Ghost.

“We have another victim,” said Code. That sobered all of them. The men slowly stood, moving closer to the two men. “We have no ID yet, but it’s a male.”

“A male. Any male?” frowned Ian.

“He was burned alive. Chained to a pipe in an abandoned cabin, and it was set fire using kerosene. The door was blocked from the outside. There was no hope of escape.”


Ian, Ghost, Nine, and Gaspar pushed through the throngs of onlookers, reporters, police officers, and firefighters. Seeing someone they knew, they pointed to Fire Chief Bankston and nodded.

“Boys. Is this your case?” he asked.

“Not sure,” said Gaspar. “We think it might be connected to the young woman who died recently near the ballpark. Can you tell us what happened?”

“Sick is what happened. He was chained to an old water pipeline, door was blocked with a chair and a few large logs, then it was all doused in kerosene. It didn’t take long for it to go up. This whole shack was just kindling and should have been torn down. Folks a few streets over saw the flames and called 911.”

“Any ID on him?” asked Nine.

“Nothing yet. We’re hoping to get something from dental records.”

“Chief!” yelled someone.

“I’ll be here if you need me.” He walked away, waving at the men. That’s when they felt a shadow over them and turned.

“I thought you could use my help,” said Noah. “I did not want Julia to have to be here.”

“Brother, we are glad to see you,” said Ian. “Let’s get a bit closer and see if you can get a read on the man.”

Noah walked closer to the still-smoldering smoking shack and stopped, covering his mouth and nose. The smells were atrocious, assaulting his entire system. The others did the same, covering their faces.

“He is here,” said Noah. “Let me see if he will speak with me.” Noah took a few steps, watching as a young man stood, looking at his surroundings.

“This shit creeps me the fuck out,” said Ghost.

“Yeah, but it helps us get to the end,” said Gaspar.

“Do not fear me,” said Noah to the young man standing near the water pipe. He looked down at his hand as if expecting to see the chains that had bound him to his death.

“Should I fear you? Did you kill me?”

“No, son. I did not kill you. Did you see who took you?”

“No. I don’t remember anything other than walking into my apartment, then waking up in the dark, chained to this pipe. My chains are gone. Am I alive?” Noah swallowed, staring at the young man, and shook his head.