Page 5 of Broken Lands

I took a deep breath, clenching my jaw in an attempt to calm myself. The morning sun began warming my back as I stepped to the front of the stage where General Brand had been pointing.

Once I was in position, the General climbed on to the stage and stood to my right. He seemed even larger this close, the bulk of him dwarfing my five-foot frame. The smell of freshly chopped wood combined with the finest whiskey assaulted my senses, drawing me in. My favorite things. The sudden urge to get closer to him, to touch him, and run my hands all over that large muscular frame hit me like a punch to the chest. I froze, clenching my fists even tighter as I worked to keep my hands to myself.

What was happening to me?That’s two men—two fae men—that have made me feelthingstoday.

General Brand’s eyes locked with mine, a flicker of some emotion crossing them briefly before he shut that shit down and fixed his expression again, his face void of emotion. He was shutting me out for some reason I couldn’t begin to understand. I had the impression that he didn’t care much for today’s ceremony.

Facing the community again, he gestured in my direction. “We know you must have many questions. The main being how this might be possible. We understand that magic was considered make-believe before we arrived here. The thought of a human possessing magic is new to all of us. We will work to find answers and share them with you all. In the meantime, please join me in congratulating Riley, the first of your kind to possess magical markers, earning her a place at the Fae Academy.”

My mouth fell open, and I took a step backward as disbelief coursed through me. The community began to clap and cheer, the noise fading to a muffled cacophony as I processed the news.

No. Fucking. Way.

I was chosen. Me. Riley.

There had to be a mistake. I had no magical ability. I wracked my memory for some kind of sign, some event where I’d done something unexplainable.

There was nothing. They must have the wrong person. Maybe these tests got mixed up.

I’d let them work that out on their own, though. This was my chance to get into Danann. Life would be easier at the very least, and maybe I could find James. I would not fuck it up. There was no point denying the opportunity when I needed every single moment I could steal to search for my brother.

Suddenly I was surrounded by the other candidates, all of them shaking my hand and offering me well wishes. Their disappointment was clear, though they seemed genuinely happy for me. Once they’d all said their congratulations, they filed off of the stage, leaving me alone with the General and the Professor.

“Congratulations, Riley.” Professor Darmon said, clasping my hand with both of his. “I am really excited to work with you at the Academy.” The smile on his face was kind, no hint of a lie in his words. He was genuinely excited. As a scholar, he was more than likely excited about the chance to study the anomaly that I apparently was than to really get to know me. Still, he seemed to mean no harm.

“Thank you,” I said, returning his smile, trying my best to remain calm and dispassionate. The fae had all but abandoned the humans, leaving us to make our way on a land that was dying, and I didn’t hold them in very high regard. “I am very grateful to be chosen for ascension. I’m even more grateful for the further honor of a place at your Fae Academy.”

“You are most welcome, dear,” he said, patting the top of our clasped hands. “You are one of a kind, unique, and I, for one, am interested to see what type of magic will awaken in you. That may also give us clues to your origins.” With a wink, he let go of my hands then and headed back to the candidate tent, leaving me alone with General Brand.

“Congratulations,” he said, his voice devoid of emotion. He was robotic, or at least trying to be. Looking up at him, our eyes locking, I again felt the draw to move closer to him. What was going on with me?

Head in the game, Riley.

“We leave at midnight, celebrate with your people and say your goodbyes before we head directly back to Danann. Discovering your latent magic has meant no others will ascend this year. We will focus on you alone. The King and Queen are eager to meet with you. We will provide further details regarding the awakening of your magic and your enrolment at Danann Academy once we arrive there. Do you have any questions?”

Did I have questions? Yes, sir, I did. Was this for real? Why me? How was this latent magic discovered? What did it mean? And most importantly, would he help me find my brother?

I didn’t think he’d appreciate the barrage of the thousand questions I wanted to ask, least of all that last one. So, I decided to keep it simple.

“Why are we leaving at midnight?” In the past, the successful candidates had left in the morning. James had been able to have breakfast with me before he left. That last meal together was one I’d treasured and always remembered fondly.

“Is there anything I need to bring?” I continued. I didn’t own many possessions, just a few changes of clothes, really. There was only one thing I wouldn’t leave behind. A small, tarnished locket I’d had for as long as I could remember. I’d never been able to open it, no matter how hard I tried. But I liked to imagine it had belonged to my mother, and that I held a little piece of her with me wherever I went. I never took the necklace off, preferring to always keep it close to me.

I reached for it then, my fingers rubbing over the intricate carvings on the front.

“Everything will be provided for you. There is nothing you need to bring. You are not forbidden from bringing any personal items.” His eyes fell to my hold on the locket. I let it drop, not wanting to draw attention to the one thing that held sentimental value to me. “We leave at midnight because it is safer, less predictable. You are an unknown. We do not know how your kind will react to this news. I want to ensure you reach Danann safely.” Brand kept his feelings pretty well locked down, but I caught a minute tightening in his brows.

Despite his cold front so far, he was concerned for my welfare and committed to getting me to Danann. I hadn’t expected him to be so honest with me. My surprise dulled some of the anxiety rising because of his words. Not all the anxiety, though. Was I at risk of being targeted?

“It kind of sounds like you expect an attack, General. Am I in danger?” It didn’t matter if I thought they’d made a mistake. Many of the community had believed them. Unrest and dissension had been growing in the human communities. It wouldn’t take much to set them off.

There had been rumors of a group wanting to stand against the fae. They were calling themselves The Resistance, and they seemed to be gaining numbers. They were angry. Angry that the Fae had failed to heal the earth. That they were stuck trying to survive on a desolate land and that the Fae city seemed to be thriving amongst the wastelands.

There wasn’t anywhere else for us humans to go. The communities surrounding Danann encompassed the only truly inhabitable area left in the world as far as we knew. The dead forest lay behind us, the sea in front, the rest of the lands destroyed in the Last War. Nuclear and chemical warfare had all but killed our planet.

Brand stared at me for a moment, his eyes darkening. Taking a deep breath, he wiped a hand through his short hair. “I don’t know. And that makes me uncomfortable,” he growled. “Be alert. Stefan will stay with you until we depart.” With those final words, he turned and followed Professor Darmon’s path towards the candidate tent.

A hand dropped on my shoulder, and I jumped, spinning around quickly to find it was only Stefan. He was grinning from ear to ear, joy lighting up his eyes as he embraced me.