As if reading her hurt, Adam followed, the warmth of his tall frame engulfing her as he moved into her space. Yet she felt cold, for still he didn’t reach for her.
‘I’m sorry, Gisèle. It’s important.’
More important than me? Us?
She bit her lip rather than blurt out needy questions. ‘I see. You have important business in New York. And Fontaine’s? Our meetings?’
For a long time Adam said nothing. Strangely he looked as tense as she felt. She saw the tendons stand proud in his throat and the rapid tick of a pulse at his temple. As ifhewere stressed. Then his chest rose and fell on a drawn-out sigh and his hands curled around her upper arms, pulling her hard against him.
Gisèle’s eyes closed as she leaned into him, drawing in his unique scent and feeling herself relax as his breath brushed her face.
Thiswas what she wanted! What she’d missed.
His hand swept from her nape to her waist then to her buttocks, pulling her closer. Sparks ignited. There was no mistaking his erection pressing against her abdomen.
So Adam wasn’t immune. He wanted her as badly as she craved him. It was there in every taut sinew and bunched muscle. In the stream of whispered words feathering her ears. Words of seductive promise and pure need.
The magnate disappeared, replaced by her lover, and she rejoiced.
Gisèle tilted her head up, sliding her hands around his neck, offering her mouth as his head lowered. It had only been a few hours but she’d missed him, missed this intimacy.
Someone coughed behind her. Then coughed again.
‘Sorry boss, but you said...’
Adam tilted his head so his forehead touched hers. He huffed a frustrated sigh and muttered what sounded like a curse. His shoulders rose and fell, then he lifted his head, but not before feathering her mouth with his, making her lips tingle.
‘I’m on my way.’
The door closed and they stood, both breathing heavily. Adam’s arms encompassed her and she felt the ponderous thud of his pulse against her hand at his throat.
‘I need to go,’ he said finally. ‘My plane’s waiting. But we’ll talk later.’
Adam dropped his arms and stepped away and she felt abruptly cold. How could he do that? Go from heated arousal to businesslike in an instant?
Gisèle’s head was spinning. Maybe if last night hadn’t been the first time she’d slept with a man she’d be able to switch from business to sex to business too.
She lifted her chin and tried to pretend she was as clear-headed as he. ‘And the performance evaluation process? That hasn’t been agreed.’
‘It was a convincing presentation. I’ll instruct my team to accept your recommendation.’
Gisèle stared. ‘Just like that?’ It had been contentious from the beginning.
Their eyes met and the air sizzled with something that had absolutely nothing to do with business.
‘If it works as you say, then good. If it doesn’t, we’ll scrap it. Now...’ he looked at the phone that was once again in his hand ‘... I need to go.’ He met her gaze and something shifted in his expression. ‘I’m sorry, Gisèle. I don’t want to leave you. But this is...necessary. I’ll call tonight.’
She opened and shut her mouth, stunned that he was walking out of these meetings when he’d been the one to insist on delving into every aspect of the company. But it wasn’t just the company that concerned her.
‘We’re supposed to marry in a few days.’
‘Don’t worry. I’ll be back in good time.’
Then he was gone, leaving her bereft and confused. Adam had upended her life into a whirlwind of meetings and glamorous events where the one constant was him at her side.
Heat suffused her as she remembered last night.
Now, suddenly, his priorities had changed.