“You shouldn’t have spent all this money. I’m not going to be able to use any of them. It is a waste of money.” She couldn’t think of any reason she would need this many clothes.
“Beth, I don’t want to piss you off—”
“But you’re going to?” She couldn’t help but interrupt him. Even as she did, she wondered why she kept doing so. Thiswas insane, even to her. Rome was a scary guy, she should really be doing what he told her to do, and part of her wanted to. This was too much.
“I tossed out all of your clothes,” he said.
“What? Why did you do that?” she asked.
“They were terrible, and they weren’t flattering. This is my way of making it up to you.”
She opened her mouth and then closed it. There was nothing she could say. She was so angry and confused.
“I can’t believe you would do that!” She wanted to stamp her foot, glare, and yell at him. “They were my clothes.”
“I know, and I got rid of them, and now it is up to me to make it up to you. Accept this as my apology.”
She folded her arms across her chest. There were no clothes back at her apartment. She had nothing, and now she had to make choices from these clothes, and that didn’t seem right to her. She rubbed at her temple.
“I don’t want too much. Just replacements for what you tossed out.”
The smile on his face made her angry.
“This isn’t funny,” she said. “And it doesn’t mean you have won.”
“What does it mean?” he asked.
She glared at him. “I don’t get you. I thought it was a known fact that men hate spending money on clothes, and doing the whole shopping thing.” She wriggled out of the pair of pants, and Rome cleared his throat, pointing it toward the “keep” pile.
Beth wanted to argue as there were already three pair of pants, two pairs of jeans, along with some skirts and shorts.
“Don’t make me,” Rome said.
She rolled her eyes.
He kept threatening to smack her ass, and she no longer believed he was capable of it.
She put the pants in the “keep” pile, and then moved back toward the rack. The bra and panties she wore had seen much better days, and she had spotted the boxes with the lingerie inside.
Beth didn’t want to be curious about them, but she certainly couldn’t help it, when faced with a whole host of panties and bras. She tended to get hers on bargain days, and they were either white or black. After only a couple of washes, the white ones tended to turn a little grey, which was always disappointing. They were not the most comfortable either.
Another dress required his help with a zipper in the back. None of the clothes were too oversized, which was a little strange. She couldn’t remember the last time she had fitted clothes. Even growing up, she had oversized clothes, most of them hand-me-downs from neighbors, or her brother.
Rome wouldn’t let her move on until she had tried every item of clothing, and then he got her to move onto the lingerie. This time, Beth didn’t argue, as some of the items seemed really luxurious. There were soft silks, cottons, lace, and she ran her hands over them.
“Let me see,” Rome said. “And give me what you’re wearing.”
Beth didn’t argue with him, and she wriggled out of her bra and panties. She still struggled to be naked in front of him, but after several hours of getting dressed and undressed, it was starting to get a little easier.
She didn’t know where he got the scissors from, but he suddenly began cutting into her lingerie.
“Hey, there was nothing wrong with them.”
“There was everything wrong with them, and now there is everything right with them.” He allowed them to drop on the floor, nothing more than a pile of debris.
“I don’t appreciate you attacking my things like that.”
She glared at him, and he winked at her.