Page 89 of Finding Delaware

He turns over onto his back and yelps in surprise when I climb on top of him, straddling my legs on either side of his hard stomach. Pinning his arms to his sides, I glare at his shell-shocked expression.

“You’re going to listen to me, Huckslee, whether you like it or not.”

“Get the fuck off!” He tries to squirm beneath me but freezes when he realizes the movement puts his dick right at my ass. It has my cock twitching, but I ignore it because that’s not the head I want to think with right now. He has no choice but to sit still, and he knows it, so he presses his face into the pillow as his lids squeeze shut.

“Close your eyes all you want, baby, but you can’t close your ears, so just fucking listen,” I breathe fiercely,reveling in the way those dark starry eyes pop wide open. “The things I did to you in high school were wrong, and I’m so fucking sorry. I know saying it won’t make a difference, it won’t change anything that happened, but–”

He cuts me off with a snarl. “Then why say it at all?”

“Because your feelings fucking mattered, Huckslee, and I played with them like they didn’t.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

“No,” I shake my head, licking my lips. “It’s supposed to make you feel however you feel. And whatever that is, it matters, and I’m sorry I ever made you feel like it didn’t. I hurt you in ways I’ll never be able to mend. And I need you to know I acknowledge what I did to you.”

“Got it, thanks.” He tries to shift under me again, but it only worsens his position. “Now get off.”

“I’m not done.”

He scoffs, eyes as black as night. “What is this? Some kind of forced therapy type shit? If you’re waiting for forgiveness, Taylor, you’ll be six feet under before that ever happens–”

Dropping his gaze, his breath hitches, and I follow his attention to where it rests on my hard dick poking into his solid six-pack through my sweats.


Okay, maybe sitting on him wasn’t the best idea for this conversation. Especially when he’s shirtless and my hands are wrapped around his thick biceps, dusky pink nipples teasing me for a bite. He’s so much broader than he was before, and fuck, he feels good under me. But this isn’t what I crawled on top of him for.

“My eyes are up here,” I smirk, biting my lip when his gaze shoots up to mine, pulse pounding on the side of his throat. I can feel his heartbeat through my thighs. Taking a deep breath, I lean forward to get closer to his face. “Huck, I never hated you. In fact, I really fucking liked you, okay? Like a lot. Remember when I explained all of this at the track?”

He nods slowly. “Yeah. You fucked with me because you didn’t want to lose your bike.”

“There’s more to it, though.” I wince, contemplating how much I’m willing to tell him. “My home life was...shitty. I’ve told you my dad was an asshole. He wasn’t good to me, smacked me around sometimes. That morning in your bed, after the pool, remember when I couldn’t–”

“Please stop,” he rasps, and I peek up at him from under my lashes to find his face contorted in pain. “I don’t want to think about that.”

His cock swelling against my ass tells a different story, but I also know that sometimes the mind and body don’t always agree.

“I wanted you to touch me, Huck,” I whisper, fighting every urge right now to grind against him. “But all I could hear was his voice in my head, spouting his bullshit. It fucked me up.”

He twitches beneath me, battling urges of his own. “And that day in the shower?”

“Same thing.” I pause, pursing my lips. “I was also on shrooms, though, so I was tripping balls.”

His abs clench with a small, husky laugh, and Jesus, it’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard. The thick column of his throat flexes as he swallows, eyes bouncing between mine.

“What do you hear in your head now?”

Tilting my head to listen, dark hair falls into my eyes as I give in and roll my hips over his stiff length. “Just you, Huckslee.”

A hushed gasp leaves his lips, followed by that low moan I’ve heard in my dreams as he bucks off the couch, pressing his stiff cock into the crease of my ass.

God, I want to feel him. To taste his lips again and feel his cock pulse in my hands, explore his body properly with my tongue. But I can’t start down that road without talking to him about prom. I just can’t. It doesn’t feel right. Because I want him, and I know he can’t give himself fully without coming to terms with what happened. Forgiveness or not.

So I lift off him, biting my lip to stifle a smile at his whine. “I still have more to say.”

“Fucking hell, Tay.” He draws a ragged breath, hips moving yearningly against the couch in a way that kills me. “Can’t it wait until later?”

I fucking wish.