Salem grabs her backpack and stomps angrily up the stairs, grumbling while awkward silence settles over us.
Shifting my shoulders uncomfortably, I stuff my fists into my pockets. “So what now?”
Logan only responds with a sigh.
“What were your plans gonna be before we interrupted,” Huck asks, sounding slightly off, but I force myself not to look at his face.
“Make dinner, have wine, and play a game.”
“Sweet.” Unbuttoning my jacket, I pull it off my shoulders. “No point in changing up plans now. What are we cooking?”
About an hour or so later, after an awkward dinner full of cringe-worthy small talk, Salem and I stand at the sink doing dishes while the other two search for a game to play.
“There’s the usual stuff in here,” Logan calls from the closet next to the bathroom. “Monopoly, clue, picture book. What do we want?”
Honestly, all of that sounds boring as fuck, and I can tell Salem agrees by the breath of annoyance shooting from her nostrils.
“Strip poker?” I toss out, earning a ‘haha’ from the closet. Glancing over my shoulder, a grimace pulls at my mouth when I see Logan about to grab Monopoly, but then Huck grabs something off the shelf and holds it up.
“What’s this?”
Logan takes it, squinting down at some sort of card game. “Never Have I Ever?”
My fingers snap together twice. “That’s the one, we’re playing it. Bring it out.”
“We can turn it into a drinking game,” Salem gasps, and I smirk down at her as I dry my hands on a towel.
“You sure about that, Sally Mal? Because you and I will lose.”
“It won’t matter if you lose or not,” she waves me off with a flick of her wrist. “I’m the one in danger.”
“Okay, true.”
The skin on the back of my neck prickles, and I turn to see Huck standing close behind me, bouncing his gaze between us with a frown.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Salem raises a brow but busies herself with pouring the wine, leaving me to answer.
My tongue darts out to lick my bottom lip. “I’m two years sober.”
Surprise flickers in his starry eyes, followed by something I don’t have time to decipher before he locks his emotions down tight. “How are you going to play a drinking game if you’re sober?”
“With hot chocolate.” Lifting the box of Swiss Miss with a crooked grin, I give him a wink as I get my mug ready.
When we settle down into a circle in front of the fireplace, Logan’s rubbing the back of his neck again like he’s uncomfortable, shooting Salem little glances under his lashes. I feel slightly bad for the guy, ruining his romantic monopoly plans, but come on. What’s so sexy about corporate greed and tax evasion? Nothing, that’s what.
Salem pushes the box of cards towards me, curling her legs beneath herself. “You start.”
“K.” Flipping open the box, I pull out the first card and stare blankly at it for a long moment, blinking.
What the fuck?
“What?” Huck raises a brow at me. “What does it say?”
“Uh,” clearing my throat, I read the card aloud. “Never have I ever kissed someone of the same gender?”
“Shut up, it does not say that.” Salem snatches the card from me, a wild laugh bursting from her lips when she reads it. “It sure as shit does.”