Sweat breaks out on my neck under their scrutiny, making me feel like a bug under a microscope or a fish in a bowl. Huck starts a conversation with some family members in the dining room, chatting about football and graduation, entirely at ease in the environment. All the while, I can feel gazes prickling my skin, some more hostile than others. Whether the stares are coming from Huck’s side of the family or Maisie’s, I can’t be sure because I know nobody here, and they don’t know me.
I don’t belong here.
The thought has me mumbling to Huck that I need some air, ignoring the concerned pinch of his brows as I make a beeline for the front. Eyes follow me the whole way, watching, analyzing, and I suck in a deep breath when I make it out onto the front porch. Leaning against the door, I finally feel like I can relax. My lids sink closed momentarily as I inhale, shaking my shoulders to rid myself of the crawly feeling of everyone’s judgment.
A deep chuckle draws my attention, and my eyes snap open to spy a figure sitting on the steps, studying me over his shoulder. He’s got unkempt brown hair, a sleeve of tattoos, and a lip piercing. I’ve never seen him around; his appearance is totally out of place with the crowd inside, much like mine.
“I know the feeling,” he says, something familiar about his honey-colored eyes taking me in. I just nod because I have no clue what the fuck he’s talking about.
Moving past him down the steps, I walk across the lawn to Huckslee’s Audi, my attention lingering on a sleek black Ducati parked behind it. Reaching into the glove box, I pull out a pack of cigarettes and light one up, swinging my gaze back to the stranger watching me with a smile.
“Mind if I bum one of those off you?” he asks. “I’m dying for a smoke.”
I wave him over, too irritated with the people inside to form a complete sentence at the moment.
There is something so reminiscent of how he unfolds himself to a stand, significantly taller than Huck or me. As he stalks over with long legs, it finally registers who he reminds me of.
“You related to Logan?”
He huffs, taking a cigarette and my lighter from me. “Yep. I’m his uncle, Devon.”
“Ah, I’ve heard about you.”
Logan mentioned an uncle numerous times over the two years he dated Salem and how he doesn’t come around much because he doesn’t get along with Logan’s dad. I didn’t expect him to look so...young. But what do I know?
“All bad things, I hope.” Devon winks, puffing on his smoke, and I kick the curb with my Doc.
“I don’t think Logan has it in him to talk bad about anyone. I’m Taylor.”
His eyes widen a fraction, sweeping down my frame. “The stepkid who beat up Aaron?”
And the stepbrother’s boyfriend.But I don’t say those words out loud.
“No shit?” He matches my stance, leaning a hip against the Audi while he takes me in with renewed interest. I squirm under the attention, feeling slightly uncomfortable. “Well, would you look at us. Two peas in a pod.”
I raise my cigarette in mock cheers. “Here’s to the black sheep.”
His eyes snag on my arms. “Nice ink. Mind if I take a look?”
I expect him to just step closer, but he surprises me by reaching out to grab my wrist. Lifting my arm to his face, he turns it over to study my skin. While he examines my tattoos, I glance again at the beautiful piece of machinery parked behind Huck’s car.
“That your bike?”
“Yep.” His eyes flick up to mine. “Do you know anything about bikes at all?”
My lips twitch. “A little bit, yeah.”
“Wanna go for a ride?”
The question takes me off guard, and I tamp down the immediate response of ‘fuck yes’ that wants to barrel out of my mouth. Honestly, I’ve wanted a motorcycle for years but never had the funds. Plus, the cigarette isn’t cutting it; I’m itching for some kind of rush after dealing with the dumpster fire that is Maisie’s family inside, but…
“I better go let Huckslee know first,” I murmur, more to myself than anything.
Devon’s brows lift amusedly. “Why? Is he your keeper?”