Page 183 of Finding Delaware

“I love you too, Huck.”

With every atom and every breath. Whatever happens in August, nothing else matters.

Just him, me, and whatever life we can carve out for ourselves.



“Idon’t think this is a good idea.”

Standing on the porch of our parent’s house, I eye the front door like it just offended my great ancestors. Music and laughter filter through the open windows, the smell of roasted meat wafting from the backyard. The Davis Fourth of July annual barbecue is in full swing, and only one of us got an invite.

Bet you can guess which one isn’t on the guest list.

“I think it’s a great idea.” Huckslee bumps my shoulder, hands stuffed into his pockets to keep himself from reaching for me. “You’re a part of this family, too. You belong with me.”

Those words send a flutter through my stomach, but the butterflies are quickly squashed by the wave of nausea rampaging through my gut. This is a terrible fucking idea.

Honestly, this last month has been a dream come true. We spent that whole week together in California, and Huck showed me so many new things. The Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, Six Flags. Somehow, he still found time to take me surfing—which I will not be doing again, because sharks. I even went to his graduation ceremony with his grandparents, where he officially introduced me to his college teammates as his boyfriend. A few of them seemed weirded out that I was also his stepbrother, but fuck ’em. We had the time of our lives.

Upon returning home, Logan made it clear that he and Huck should get some distance for a while. I know it hurts Huck more than he’s letting on, but he refuses to discuss it. In the meantime, he’s been staying with me for the last few weeks, and I’ve let him know that I’m here when he needs to talk. But integrating him into my life has been so fucking easy.

During the day, Christian and I practice our routines on our bikes while Huck gets into shape for training camp and Arya cuts hair at the salon she just started working for. By night, we’re at the Prospector, with Christian and me managing the dishes while Huckslee bartends, thanks to Juanita giving him a temporary job until he leaves–I batted my pretty lashes until she said yes. On our days off, we all come together, making dinner and cuddling on the sectional while Baby Bones hops all over the four of us. Huck is one hell of a cook; who knew?. Existing, enjoying each other’s presence. For the first time, it’s made me see what life with Huck could really be like, and I don’t want to give it up. I don’t want to rock the boat. Which is why, I repeat, him bringing me here is aterrible fucking idea.

“Maybe I should change,” I mumble, staring down at my shirt of Venom with his long tongue obscenely wrapped around a melting ice cream cone. It’s one of the samples forT.O.Tthat Huck and Royce worked on. Even though I love the design, it’s highly inappropriate for a family barbecue. Why the fuck did I wear this? I should swing by Christian’s mom’s and borrow a t-shirt from his little brother.

“Absolutely not.” Huck sweeps his gaze from side to side, ensuring no one is watching, before pulling me in for a quick kiss. “I like my artwork on you. And besides, why should you hide yourself from them?”

“Isn’t that exactly what we’re doing?”

My question has him stepping back with a frown, sadness flashing in his eyes. “Yeah. You’re right.”

Disappointment claws at my throat, but I swallow it down because, honestly, neither of us is ready to come out to both our parents about our relationship. I don’t know if we’ll ever be. He already told me how Aaron has never asked about any of his relationships over the last four years, so it’s safe to assume that he already disapproves of Huckslee’s sexuality. It’s always been a sore spot between them, and the last thing I want to do is make things more strained. I couldn’t care less what Maisie thinks, but family is important to Huck. Always has been.

“Stop that.” He reaches up to thumb my bottom lip out from between my teeth. “It’s going to be fine. I promise.”


It will not be fine. Ever since the night I nearly beat Aaron unconscious, the entire family has been against me, and I don’tblame them. Not that they were ever on my side. Pretty sure I don’t even know the names of half the people here.

Why did I come again?

“If it makes you feel any better, this is my first Independence Day here since I left for Cali.” Stepping up to the door, Huck glances at me over his shoulder. “Ready?”


As soon as he pushes open the front door, he’s immediately swarmed by three boys who look no older than nine or ten, all identical, their arms hanging off of him as they jump all over. From their features, I’m pretty sure they’re Logan’s siblings.


“I brought a football. Can we go play?!”

“Who’s that?” One of them glances under Huck’s arms at me, shyer than the other two, and Huck grins down at them with a laugh.

“Holy crap, look at you three! When did you grow so big?”