Page 181 of Finding Delaware

“So, what’s the plan for the rest of the week?” He asks, grabbing a handful of sand before letting it slip through his fingers.

“Well, the graduation ceremony is in a few days, and I have a few things to prepare for. I’m packing up the rest of my stuff so that...” I trail off but clear my throat to continue. “So that once I find a place in Baltimore, my grandparents can ship everything to me.”

He goes still, tensing slightly. “Have you started looking?”

“Here and there, yeah. My new agent has been sending me some listings, but I don’t need to make a final decision until next month.”

A few of the players on my new team have also been helping out to break the ice. So far, they seem nice and easy to get along with, and they send me suggestions on which areas are good and which I should avoid.

Taylor grows quiet, eyes on the setting sun reflecting over glittering waves. I wish I could crawl inside his head and look around.

Grabbing his chin, I tilt his face up to mine. “What are you thinking?”

“I can come visit you whenever I want, right? And we’ll still video call as much as we can?”

“Yeah. Of course.” I give him a small smile, knowing it doesn’t reach my eyes. “I just wish we’d had more than one summer.”

Tick, tick, tick.

“We’ll make it work. You’ll have plenty of free time in the off-season, and I can fly to games. It’ll be fine.”

Nodding, I press my lips to his, noticing how he shuts his eyes to hide his thoughts from me. Like he’s hearing his words but doesn’t truly believe them. And as much as I want to accept them, I’m also worried that I’ll give him empty promises if I agree. It’ll take both of us putting in the effort for this to work, but what if he can’t? What if he doesn’t want to?

What if I just gave my heart to someone who broke it once before already?

“Hey.” Taylor turns slightly, trailing kisses down my jaw. “I can tell we’re both in our heads about this, so let’s get out of them. Show me something else you like.”

My arms tighten around him involuntarily as I stare at the rolling waves. “You want to go for a swim?”

He eyes the ocean suspiciously, eyes narrowed. “I’m good.”

“You afraid of the ocean, baby?” I grin at how adorable that is, my self-proclaimed badass afraid of a bit of water. It’s a complete juxtaposition to the guy from high school who laughed in my face and called me a sissy for being scared of spiders.

“Hell yeah, I’m afraid. Literally, everything out there can and will eat me.”

Pressing my lips to his ear, I sweep my tongue against the lobe. “Why don’t we go back to the house and swim in the pool so I can eat you instead?”

I’ve never seen him run to the car so fast in my life.


My lungs burn, chest spasming for air as I take Huck’s cock to the back of my throat again and again.

The pool lights cast an ethereal glow, everything hazy as he uses my mouth like his own personal Fleshlight beneath the water, and I’ve never been more turned on. I’m hard as steel, my own cock straining between my legs as I fuck my fist to the taste of his precum on my tongue, free hand rolling and gently tugging on his sac.

It took a lot of convincing to get Huck to agree to this.

Ever since what happened at the cabin, he’s made it his mission to be gentle with me whenever I go down on him. While I appreciate the sentiment, I’m done with that shit. He has nothing to fear. When he admitted that he hadn’t been in a pool since that night in high school, I knew this was the perfect opportunity for us to take back some power. At first, he was adamantly against it, worried he’d traumatize me, whichbroke my heart to pieces when I realized the damage I’d done all those years ago.

No more. No more living in the past, regretting the choices we made. If we’re going to move on with our lives, it has to end at some point. And that point is now, with Huckslee gripping my shoulders beneath the cool water, thrusting down my throat while the world fades to black around me, my dick leaking as I pump myself.

Lack of oxygen combined with rough fingers pulling my hair has my orgasm slamming into me, bubbles forming around my face when I moan through my nose and swallow Huck’s length, sending him over the edge himself. Thick ropes of cum slide down my constricting throat, salty warmth that I’ve become addicted to. By the time he pulls me to the surface, I’m almost ready to pass out, my lips parting to suck down air as he crushes me tightly to his slick chest.

“Goddamn, Taylor,” he cries into my skin, sounding as wrecked as I feel. “That was...Jesus. Are you ok? Did I hurt you?”

I shake my head because that’s all I can do while I catch my breath, fingers and toes tingling. Rivulets of water run down my cheeks, lids too tired to keep open, and my body suddenly feels lighter than air, so I just float there and let Huckslee keep me from drifting away. Like an anchor holding me steady.

He gently cups my face, searching with those eyes that remind me of the constellations inked down my back. “I need words, baby. Are you ok?”