Page 159 of Finding Delaware

Finally, it seems like we’re all going to get some sleep.

Until the sounds of Christian and Arya fucking in their tent cut through the silence.

Every single person, including myself, groans simultaneously.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Really, guys, come on!”

“First one to get a boner loses,” I snicker, and Salem reaches over to smack my arm.

“I have an unfair advantage!”

“So does Huckslee,” Logan yawns sleepily. “Unless, like, he thinks Christian’s moans are sexy or something.”

Huck looks absolutely offended at that, and I burst into laughter, mouthing ‘you better not,’ earning a death glare in response.

Admittedly, cuddling gets a little awkward for the next fifteen minutes or so until the finale, and when they both finally finish, I begin to clap loudly.

“Stunning performance. Ten out of ten. Can we go the fuck to sleep now?”

“Fuck off, asshole.”

I fall asleep with a grin, my fingers entwined with Huck’s, surrounded by the only family I’ve ever wanted or needed.


Asix-mile hike after a night of tripping was not high on my list of fun things to try before the sun is up, but apparently, Taylor and his friends are a bunch of masochists—and sadists.

Seriously, who hikes an uphill trail for fun every single year? I’m a trained athlete, and even I’m struggling. Matt, too, dirt crunching under us as we pass beneath the trees and over hills, crisp Colorado air filling my lungs.

“Keep up, bitches!” Salem laughs as we all huff and puff at least twenty steps behind her and Christian. Taylor’s been trying to hang back for my sake, but I can tell he’s getting frustrated. The only good thing about this hike so far is that I’ve spent the last few hours staring at his luscious ass in those tight joggers, imagining all the ways I’m going to fuck it. Secretly, I think he’s been positioning himself in front of me on purpose because he knows how much I like to watch him walk.It’s making me sweat, and not because of the temperature today. Though honestly, it’s also hot as hell outside.

He turns around, walking backward to whine at us for the tenth time in the last half hour. “Come on, guys. And girl. At this pace, it’ll take us until nightfall to reach Ouzel Falls.”

“How long does it usually take you guys?” Logan asks in between breaths, pausing to dump some water over himself. We’ve passed a few bodies of water, and he’s dunked his head into them every time. I’m tempted to do that myself the next one we get to.

“Usually three hours,” Christian calls back. “But we’ve stopped so many times that it’ll likely take us six.”

All of us complain. This is torture. Arya sags against Xed, who looks too tired to push her off as she cries for him to carry her.

Pumping my screaming legs forward, I catch up to Taylor. “How can you do this every year when you don’t even go to the gym?”

“Who says I don’t?”

I lift a brow at him because really?

He throws me an equally incredulous glance. “Do you know how heavy a dirt bike is, Huck? How much stamina is needed to throw that thing around? Guarantee my core strength is ten times stronger than yours.”

“Yeah? You wanna test this theory?”

“No need,” he grins, flashing his crooked incisor before speeding up. “I’m not the one falling behind!”

Dammit. He has a point.

Coming to a halt, I rest my palms on my knees and breathe. Admittedly, I’ve been slacking a bit in my training regimen, butthis is embarrassing. Xed stops beside me, letting Matty, Arya, and Logan get ahead of us. When I finally straighten, his light brown eyes meet my dark ones.

“So, you and Taylor, huh?”