Page 136 of Finding Delaware

It’s onthe tip of my tongue to tell him that I give two flying fucks if it’s suspicious or not, but I know that he’s not ready for Logan to know about us yet. We talked about this over the phone a few days ago. And even though I disapprove of all the hiding that he and Logan seem to do from each other, it’s not my friendship. Not my business. Though let’s be honest, I’m sure I’ll make it my business eventually, one way or another.

I’m not entirely sure I’m ready for Xed and Matty to know, either. Me being into a guy is one thing, but my stepbrother, that I constantly bullied in high school? Yeah...that conversation with Christian was already awkward enough.

Sighing heavily, I fix my jeans. “Fine. But I’ll go first. Wait like five minutes and then follow.”

“Kay.” He pulls me in for another slow kiss, wrapping me in his arms to hold me tight. When he pulls away, his eyes search mine deeply. “Taylor, know I care about you. Right?”

My throat closes as my heart swells. “Yeah. I care about you, too.”

That three-letter phrase pops into my head, but I can’t bring myself to say it. I want to. Hell, I already told him I was in love with him, and he did the same. Those words, though. They mean something. Something permanent. I’ve only ever said them to four people in my life, all of whom are in this house currently waiting for us to come downstairs.

And Huckslee...he isn’t even sure that we’ll work out. Me? I already decided the moment Salem called to say he was coming home; Huck is endgame for me. He’s all I want. I don’t care that we’ve only started this thing a week ago; he could ask me to wait forever, and I would. But one-sided feelings does not a relationship make.

So I kiss his throat. Run my fingers through his hair. Open the door with a deviant grin and leave him in the bathroom as I enter the hall.

Wishing, hoping,pleadingfor his heart to feel for me like mine does for him.


Climbing out of a second-story bathroom window isn’t the proudest moment in my life, but the look on Taylor’s face when I walk through the front door ten minutes later is priceless.

I’m obsessed with the way his lips part, head tilted to the side while his eyes glaze over when he’s shocked. Like a puppy who’s been bamboozled, and it’s the cutest fucking thing.

“Where have you been, man?” Logan grabs my arm, pulling me into the living room where everyone sits crowded on the sectional. “I tried calling like five times.”

“Sorry. Went for a walk around the block.”

I really did. Needed to lose my boner.

Taylor is pressed between Salem and Arya, so I take the only available spot next to Owen, not missing the way Taylor’s face twitches when Owen’s shoulder bumps mine. Considering his past relationships, that possessiveness is a surprise, but I’d be lying if I said it isn’t hot as hell.

He has his phone out, thumbing away at the screen, and then he looks up at me from under his lashes when my own phone buzzes with a new message.

Taytay: Are you a fuckin magician?

How’d you get outside?

Me: Abracadabra, bitch.

I follow it up with a wand emoji and some sparkles for flare before hitting send, hiding a smile when he snorts loudly after reading it.

“So, what party game are we playing?” I ask, pulling two slices of extra cheesy goodness onto my plate, noticing the four currently stacked on Taylor’s. Jesus Christ, how does he eat like that and still manage to look so good?

Matt chews slowly, swallowing before he answers. “How do you feel about Never Have I Ever?”

Simultaneously, Taylor, Salem, Logan, and I groan.

“No. Never again,” Salem says harshly, and I agree. One game of that was enough for a lifetime.

“Ooh, let’s play sexy Truth or Dare,” Arya squeals, looping her arm through Taylor’s. “I have the app on my phone. We can go around in a circle, asking the person next to us. If you refuse to answer or do the dare, you drink.”

He shakes her off, but she’s persistent, his grimace when she places a hand on his thigh making me snicker.

Logan rubs the back of his neck, looking slightly uncomfortable. “Maybe we shouldn’t.”

“Why not?” Matt replies with a grin. “I’ve played it before. Could be fun.”

Xed mutters under his breath. “Or a disaster.”