Page 130 of Finding Delaware

Ain’t happening.

Sucksme: Wtf? Taylor, what the hell are you talking about?

Me: Just saying. You’re mine, Huck.

Sucksme: Meet me on the front porch right now.

Me: Can’t.

Got a pong game to win, but enjoy your conversation with Owen.

Sucksme: Goddammit, Taylor. I need to talk to you.

Too late.Putting my phone away, I step into the living room, feeling a little like shit. Whatever he has to say isn’t something I’ll like; I just know it. I’ll have to hear it eventually, but right now, I’ll avoid it for as long as possible.

Xed and Matty’s living room is significantly bigger than mine and Christian’s, spacious enough to fit a sizeable U-shaped sectional and two recliners. Matt’s parents haven’t updated the place, so there’s still some awful green wallpaper covering the walls, but the two of them made it look homey by hanging up all the road signs they used to steal in high school.Salem and Xed have the recliners pushed to the side, making room for a pong table in the middle.

“We’re up first,” Christian calls, bouncing on his feet just as Matt and Logan make their way back downstairs. Salem casts them a vicious glare, Arya saddling up to her with a smirk. Even Xed is gazing at Matt in some way that has my stomach in knots, and when Huck enters the room with Owen, the vibe in the air is far from what it should be at a friendly get-together. Apprehension and animosity abound.

As usual, my best friend is oblivious as he takes his stance and shoots, shouting triumphantly when he sinks his ball into one of Xed’s cups.

“Lucky shot.” Xed picks it up and drinks, eyes still flicking over to Matty, who’s currently trying to talk Logan into streaming games with him online.

The way Matt’s back shifts speaks volumes, like he knows his best friend is looking at him, but he’s ignoring it.

What the fuck is going on right now?

Speaking of ignoring. I can feel Huck’s attention on me when I step up to take my turn, and though it kept me focused during the qualifier earlier, it only serves to set me off right now. I miss my shot, the ping-pong ball bouncing off the table and rolling under a bookshelf. Matty picks it up before taking his turn with a clean one.

Our game goes on like this for a bit, each of us throwing the ball and me sipping on soda when I lose while the others look on in some weird suspension of awkwardness. The only two who don’t notice are Christian and Owen, the latter talking Huck’s ear off about shit in California that I don’t really care to pay attention to. Logan tries to get closer to Salem, but sheputs Arya in between them, keeping her eyes on her phone while he looks at her with the most enormous puppy dog eyes. Finally, I can’t handle it anymore.

“Stop, hold the fuck up,” I snap, cutting Owen off mid-sentence. Everyone looks over at me in surprise. “What the fuck is happening right now?!”

Xed’s brows pinch together. “What do you mean?”

“You know damn well what I mean!” Pointing between him and Matt, I squint accusingly. “Something is going on between you two. I know it.” Matty’s eyes bug out of his skull, jaw dropping while Xed’s shoulder tense. He swings his gaze to Huck for some reason, but I move my finger over to Salem and Logan. “And you two! I’m fucking sick of this shit. It’s been three months. Get your shit together!”

Salem glares at me with a hiss. “Mind your business, Taylor.”

“No. Something’s broken in this friend group right now, and we’re going to fucking fix it.”

Arya gapes at me as I grab Xed and Matty, shoving them onto the couch. Then I go after Salem, who already has her ass halfway to the stairs. Wrapping my arms around her from behind, I drag her snarling and screaming to the sectional, where I flop down with her on my lap.

“Come here,” I grind out, crooking a finger at Logan while she fights tooth and nail to get free. He looks utterly shaken but obeys, shuffling over to take a tentative seat next to me, where I squish her down in between us.

Christian simply chuckles, leaning against the wall as he pulls Arya into his side, and Xed curses at me under his breath.

“You’re a nosy bitch, Taylor,” he growls, “you know that?”

“Well, if everyone in my life would talk shit out instead of pretending like it isn’t happening, I wouldn’t have to be,” I shoot back, sliding my gaze to Huckslee as I say it. His eyes flash, but he stays silent while he lifts his drink to his lips. “As of right now, this is a friendship intervention. Christian, you want in on this?”

“All you, baby boy.” He nestles his face into Arya’s neck, earning a grimace from me when she giggles.

Salem goes fucking feral, kicking me while elbowing Logan, and just as she’s about to sink her teeth into my arm, Matty’s booming voice cuts through the music.


The entire room goes silent. Seriously, if it weren’t for the heavy bass blasting over the speakers, I’ve no doubt you could hear a pin drop.