“It’s not fucking fine, Huckslee. Something bad could have happened to you. And if I ever see Royce again, I’ll kick his ass for not making sure you got home safely.”
He pulls us into the parking lot, where his yellow truck sits next to a black Subaru. Christian is near the passenger door, glaring daggers at me. There’s no Blondie to be found, and I can’t say I’m sad about that.
“It’s not Royce’s fault, I told him I was fine. Really, Taylor, let me call an Uber.”
He says nothing, depositing me next to Christian before rounding to the driver’s side. Matthew and Xed exchange their goodbyes before climbing into the Subaru together, and Christian opens the passenger door as he motions for me to get in. His nostrils are flared.
“I’m not going with you guys.”
He growls before grabbing my shoulder and manhandling me into the cab. “Get the fuck in, you cock blocking asshole.”
“Get your hands off me, dude.” I crawl into the middle seat beside Taylor, seething as Christian jumps in next to me. “I didn’t cock block shit.”
“You’re doing it right now, fucker.” He slams the door with a huff, crossing his arms. “I’d rather have Kelsie’s sweet ass sitting next to me instead of yours, butsomeone,” he glares over at Taylor, “had to go all Superman and swoop into the rescue. Again.”
I only catch on to one part of what he just said. “You think my ass is sweet?”
Can’t help it. Still drunk.
A snort comes from Taylor as he pulls out of the parking lot while Christian mutters something in Spanish that’s too fast for my ears to hear.
“What the fuck ever,” Taylor laughs, and I find myself studying his face, trying to commit the smile to memory. “You get laid almost every day at this point. Pretty sure you’re a sex addict, dude.”
“And you’re a fucking monk,” Christian fires back. “Seriously,cariño, what’s up with you? It’s been like three months since you’ve gotten some pussy.”
“Whooa.” My mouth speaks before I can stop it, Taylor going rigid against my side. I hadn’t realized I’d leaned into him.
“My sex life isn’t your business, asshole,” he mutters, staring straight ahead as a flush spreads on his cheek. I try not to stare; I really do, but he makes it so hard when he’s this close to me. That hollow feeling inside me is slowly starting to fade.
Three months?!
“Kinda hard not to make it my business when we live together. I notice things. You went from fucking just as much as I do tonada. And I’d know if you were getting any because the walls are thin as fuck. You come loudly.”
Oh my god. How does he know that?
I don’t even know that.
Fuck, I wish I knew that.
“Christian, for the love of all that is holy, please shut up,” Taylor hollers, face getting redder, but his best friend is having none of it.
“What didn’t you like about Kelsie? She was sexy as hell. Was the blowie in the bathroom bad or something?”
And the hollow feeling slams back, enveloping me tenfold.
I should have known better. Just because Christian said he wasn’t getting any didn’t mean he wasn’t gettinghead.
Turning away, I blink rapidly out the windshield, trying to get my breathing under control. Taylor’s fingers tighten on the steering wheel, but he doesn’t respond.
Christian continues. “She was down to let us share her, man. You know how much I like it when they do that. I bet she’d even let you—”
Taylor reaches out to crank up the radio, drowning out whatever Christian was about to say, and I’ve never felt more relieved. For fucks sake, I didn’t want to hear any of that.
Straightening away from him, I focus on the passing buildings to occupy my mind for the rest of the drive. At one point, Taylor bumps my knee with his, but I scoot away, leaning into Christian instead. His jaw feathers at the corners, but he doesn’t look my way.
Eventually, after grabbing some late-night tacos and water to soak up the liquor, we round a corner, pulling into a driveway where Christian’s old Bronco sits near the front porch of what looks like a duplex.
My eyes fly to the side of Taylor’s face as he puts the truck in park. “I thought you were taking me home?”