“Never have I ever had male genitalia in my mouth.” Logan grimaces. “Why did they word it like this?”
Both Salem and Huck drink, and I raise my hand to Logan with a grin. “Yeah, up top. We win.”
“I’m not high-fiving you over my girlfriend having your dick in her mouth,” he deadpans, shocking the fuck out of me while Salem chokes on her wine.
Blinking at him, my lips twitch. “Yeah, like, years ago.”
Literally, before she got with Logan, Salem was with a guy for almost a year who wasn’t interested in sharing. We haven’t done anything together other than kiss on the cheek in like three years. And honestly, even if they didn’t work out, I don’t think I’d be interested in her like that again. Mainly because my head is full of someone with dark brown eyes and soft, blond curls…
Salem gives Logan a curious look, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol as she picks up the next card. “Never have I ever made love.”
Her gray eyes grow sad at that, making my heart clench. We both raise our cups to drink because we did at one point love each other in the romantic sense, but as Logan’s cup remains in his hands, it hits me why she seems upset.
“Wait, wait.” I glance between them, vaguely realizing that Huck didn’t raise his cup either. “Logan, what are you trying to say?”
“Drop it, Taylor.” Salem gazes down at her cup forlornly. “No elaborating, remember?”
“No, I want to know.” The broken look on her face is setting me off, and I round on her boyfriend. “You don’t love her?”
The blood drains from Logan’s face as he gazes up at me, terrified. “Of course I do!”
“I don’t understand.” I shake my head, but Huck is suddenly in my face.
“How come he’s the only one who has to explain his answer?” His breath is hot on my face as he glares down at me. “If he has to explain, then so do you.”
“Fine.” I throw up a hand to Logan with gritted teeth. “Which question do you want me to elaborate on?”
Huckslee whips around to his best friend. “The one you were going to ask him earlier. Ask it.”
His tone is harsh, and Logan glances between us, clearly uncomfortable, but I already know what he’s going to ask before he opens his mouth.
“Taylor, are you bi?”
My mouth opens, but I close it, feeling like I swallowed sandpaper.
Everyone’s attention is on me, but Huckslee’s dark eyes are the only ones I see, boring down into mine with such force that I find myself moving closer.
This answer should be easy. I’ve thought about it constantly over the last four years, a subject I’ve broached with Doctor Hart numerous times. Being out of small-town Utah and free from my father’s bullshit helped.
But I’ve never...put it into words before. Like, out loud. Given my feelings a name.
“Answer the question, Taylor,” Huckslee snaps, causing Salem to glare at him with red-rimmed eyes.
“Leave him alone!”
Why does he want to know so bad?
“No, he needs to answer.” My stepbrother’s gaze is like a black hole, swallowing me in. “I didn’t get a choice in coming out, so why should he?”
Ah. So that’s it. Revenge.
Sitting back on my heels, my shoulders slump as I stare at the floor. “I don’t…I don’t know.”
He turns away, his scoff like a knife to the chest.
“I don’t have a lot of experience, okay? I’ve only ever been with one guy, and he’s the only one I’ve ever...felt like that with. The only guy I’ve ever thought about in that way, so I don’t know if bi is the right word for it?” Breaking off with a frown, I bite my lip. “Either way, I don’t think I need to put a name to it. I just am.”