“You shut the fuck up,” Salem points at me, reaching in to grab her backpack off the floor, “if Huck can be here, so can you.”
Logan pinches the bridge of his nose. “His dad just had surgery, Salem. He needed some space to deal with it.”
Suddenly, I feel like a piece of shit. What the fuck am I doing here? Logan’s right; Huck is dealing with some heavy stuff, and I want to bombard him with our problems? I really am a selfish bastard.
“Look, it’s fine,” I start, jumping out of the cab. “Let’s just unload the snowmobiles for you guys, and then I’ll go. Pick them up on Monday.”
Salem shakes her head, pausing to protest when the screen door creaks. Huckslee exits onto the porch wearing a light blue beanie that matches his hoodie, his hair curling over his ears.
“What’s going on?” His gaze finds mine, those dark eyes looking so miserable that it hits me in the chest. Fuck, even sad, he’s adorable. Makes me want to make him hot chocolate and shit. Tuck a blanket around him. Sit on his face.
“Just dropping off the snowmobiles,” I mumble, feeling around my denim jacket for a pack of smokes before cursing myself for running out.
The truck door slams as Salem comes around to my side. “Taylor, you don’t even know the way back. You’ll end up at the bottom of a river or something. Just stay.”
“Nah, I can swim,” I grin, hoping it’s convincing. She’s absolutely right, though. I don’t know how I’d make it back if I had to leave, especially with the snow getting heavier now, covering up our tire tracks. But I’d figure it out if need be.
“This is ridiculous,” she continues angrily, and I cringe because I can sense one of her meltdowns coming on, “it’s not fair that Huck’s allowed, but you’re not. If I’d have known-”
Huckslee cuts her off with a sigh of resignation. “Shut up and get inside before you both freeze to death, fucking hell.”
He spins back into the cabin, Logan gazing after him with a frown as Salem hums triumphantly. She marches up the cabin steps to follow Huck without even looking at her boyfriend, the tension between them palpable.
Great. More shit I’m probably ruining.
Getting my own bag from the truck, I climb the steps but pause when Logan’s hand touches my arm.
“It’s nothing personal, okay?” His golden brown eyes hold mine with sincerity. “He’s just having a tough time. I don’t want him to...you know.”
Involuntarily, I take a step back as if he slapped me. My chest tightens painfully, and I drop my gaze to the floor, fingers in my free hand curling. He doesn’t want Huck to spiral again. And he’s worried my presence will set him off.
I am such a piece of fucking shit.
“I’m sorry,” he says softly, studying my face, “it’s not that I’m blaming you or anything. It’s just when the two of you are together...”
Nodding stiffly, I step away from him. “Yeah. I get it. No worries. I’ll try not to be a problem.”
He tries to say something else, but I ignore him and open the screen door instead. Because what else is there to say? I get it. Huckslee and I are fucking toxic together. Which is precisely why I’m addicted to him.
The heat from inside hits me instantly, warming my bones, and I stomp my snow-packed boots on the rug before sweeping my gaze around. The ceilings are vaulted, with a brick hearth in the living room and a loft above where the bedroom is located. A small kitchen sits in the back, complete with a two-burner stove, a small sink, and a fridge. The round wooden table near the bathroom is big enough to play a card game or two. It’s cozy, inviting, and also hella small.
“So where is everyone sleeping, Salem?” Logan asks with barely contained irritation. “There’s only one bed and one couch.”
Eyeing the soft-looking plaid sofa, I shrug as I set my bag down. “I’m fine on the floor.”
“We can switch off between the couch,” Huck offers, sitting at the table without looking at me, and Logan rubs the back of his neck.
“Or we can switch off between the bed?”
Salem huffs. “Or we can all four just sleep in the bed together.”
That earns her a look from all of us, causing her to roll her eyes. “What? It’s a King. Not like we wouldn’t all fit.”
Yeah, right.
Masking a snort, I cough as I head to the fireplace to warm my hands. “I’m fine on the floor, really. You know that, Salem. No worries.”
It’s the second time I’ve repeated that phrase, but in all honesty, there’s a fuck-ton of worries because this cabin is smaller than my apartment, and Huckslee is so close I can smell the aftershave he uses. It’s spicy and intoxicating.