A familiar voice from behind causes us all to go still. “Is there a problem here?”
Triple shit. This night just keeps getting worse.
Stealing my spine, I plaster on a smile and face my dad, who’s sternly eyeing us. He and a few other parents volunteered to chaperone tonight.
“No problem, Dad.” I keep my voice as light as possible.
Royce straightens at that, spinning to face my dad with his arm outstretched. “Bishop Davis, hi, I’m Huckslee’s friend, Royce.”
They shake hands, and it would have been a sweet moment if not for the scoff that shoots from Taylor’s mouth. He’s still looking at Royce murderously while Logan smirks down at Salem in a way I’ve never seen him do before. Matt, Xed, and Christian are bouncing their eyes around in anticipation as if this is some sort of thriller, and they even have a bag of popcorn. Where the hell did they get popcorn? I feel like I’ve entered the fucking twilight zone.
“I’m getting a drink,” I mutter, leaving the group behind to stalk toward a banquet table holding food. I don’t care if the punch is spiked. Don’t care if I’ve only ever had wine a few times in my life because my heart feels like a jackhammer, and this is too much.
As I’m ladling the red liquid into a plastic cup, my hair stands on end, and I turn to see Taylor glaring at me a few paces away, his arms folded across his chest.
“What’s he doing here?” He jerks a thumb over to where Royce and Dad are still conversing. “He doesn’t even go here.”
“Neither do you.” I sip my drink, keeping my eyes low.
His lips curl incredulously. “What, so he’s your fucking boyfriend, now?”
“That’s none of your business.” Taking a giant gulp with a grimace, I turn away in time to see Salem stomping through the crowd toward the doors, Logan following close behind.
“What’s going on with them?”
Taylor watches them go with disinterest, which I find really odd considering how pissed off he was at Logan for looking at Salem five minutes ago. His eyes find mine again, and he opens his mouth to speak, but someone blocks him from view before he can get a word out.
“That for me?” Royce grabs my cup with a grin and downs it, coughing harshly as he swallows. “Jesus. What’s in this?”
“Everything, I’m pretty sure. It’s nasty.”
He chuckles, but the smile on his face quickly disappears when a hand slaps down on his shoulder from behind.
“Excuse you.” Taylor steps in between us. “We were in the middle of a conversation.”
Royce glances over at me before meeting Taylor’s gaze. “I think your conversation is over. Remove your hand, please.”
All I can do is gape as the two stare each other down. After several heated moments, Taylor huffs harshly, releasing Royce’s shoulder with a shove.
He turns to me and sneers before sauntering away into the crowd. “Enjoy your prom.”
My boyfriend leans in close to whisper in my ear as we both watch him go. “What is his deal? Is it because I’m Black?”
Gasping, I whip around with eyes like saucers. “What? N-no, Taylor isn’t likethat—”
“Relax, babe.” His shoulders shake as he releases a full-bodied laugh. “I’m teasing.”
“Oh.” I chuckle in relief, running a hand through my curls. “You got me.”
With a sigh, I gaze over all the dancing bodies, looking for signs of a dark head of hair. “Taylor doesn’t really like anyone, honestly. Except his close friends.”
“He likes you.” Royce’s eyes glitter and my heart kicks up as I frown down at him.
“Yeah, no. Pretty sure he hates me.”
“Hmm,” he hums as he grabs my arm, pulling me away toward the stage. “I saw the way he looked at you. Pretty sure your stepbrother is in love with you, babe.”