Page 199 of Finding Delaware

Two days pass without me coming home, and all of my texts to Huck are short and clipped.

Huck: You gonna be home today?

Me: No.

Huck: Okay...when will you be?

Me: Dunno.

I’d be a nervous wreck if it wasn’t for Salem and Xed. After spending weeks sharing space with Huck, the nights are lonely as fuck on the couch, missing the safety of his warm body pressed against me.

Thankfully, I spend all weekend clear-headed and in problem-solving mode, coming up with ideas to convince him that we can make this work. I get it, I fuckedup by leaving. But I needed reassurances from him that he couldn’t deliver, which hurt. He’s scared; that much is obvious. So, I need to take away that fear.

It took all day Sunday, pacing around the townhome and driving Salem and Xed insane, but I have a plan. And they’re both on board with it, which means I just have a few more people to convince—including Huck’s dad.

Early the following day, I take off for Gville, knowing from past conversations between him and Huck that Aaron telecommutes on Mondays. As I pull into the driveway, apprehension licks up my spine, and I wipe my damp palms on my jeans. Every time I come here, I leave with a bad taste in my mouth. Some of the worst memories of my life happened inside this house. But this needs to be done because even though I know he’d never hold it against me, I’d hate for Huckslee to always harbor resentment toward his father. It’s time to clear the air.

With a deep breath, I get out and walk up to the porch, pausing briefly before ringing the bell. It only takes a few seconds, and then Aaron pulls open the door, dressed in a pair of slacks, blue eyes wide as he takes me in.

“Hi, Mr. Davis.”

“Taylor?” He glances over his shoulder. “Your mother is at work right now. Do you want me to let her know you stopped by?”

“I’m not here for Maisie,” I gesture inside, heart pounding. “I actually wanted to speak with you. Can I come in?”

There’s a moment’s hesitation before he nods and steps aside, letting me pass. He shuts the door behind us and turnstoward the living room, crooking his fingers for me to follow. “I have a meeting in a few, but we should have some time.”

“This won’t take long.”

He chooses the chair, and I settle into the sofa, glancing around the familiar space that hasn’t changed much over the last four years. That creepy picture still hangs over the television, maybe a few more photos of family, a couple of Huck in his college football uniform. None of me, of course, but I wasn’t expecting any. An awkward silence permeates the air, and Aaron shifts in his seat, making it squeak.

“Would you like something to drink, son? Tea, juice, beer?”

Uh...huh? My brows shoot up, but I quickly decline. “Oh, uh, no thanks. I don’t drink. And I’m not thirsty.”

He seems surprised at that, nodding as he smooths out the wrinkles on his pant leg. “What did you need to discuss with me?” goes.

“You haven’t spoken to Huckslee since Independence Day.” My tongue darts out to moisten my dry lips. “And I wanted to ask why?”

His gaze drops, head hanging slightly, and he reaches up to remove his glasses. “I... I’m not sure what to say to that.”

I adjust my snapback, gathering strength. “Okay. That’s fine. You don’t have to say anything. Just listen. Huckslee loves you, Mr. Davis, but your silence is hurting him. I think he doesn’t show it, doesn’t show a lot honestly because of how much he had to hide himself growing up.” Aaron’s brows crease, but I continue quickly. “We both grew up hiding ourselves. Despite what Maisie thinks, my father really was a piece of shit. I bullied Huck to try to hide the evidence, andas a result, I hurt Huck. A lot. I’m sure you remember when I broke his arm...I think we just made things worse for him between you and me.”

Aaron shakes his head. “I don’t understand. I did my best. I raised my boy to be a good man.”

“You did,” I agree, “but the pressure he was under...this expectation of him to be and act a certain way, it was a lot. All he ever wanted was your approval and acceptance. That’s what he still wants. I...” My throat closes, and I swallow hard, trying to get the words out before I lose my nerves. “I don’t know if Huckslee ever told you this, but the night of prom...when everything went wrong, and he attempted suicide, my actions were the reason. See, I’ve known that Huck is gay since the end of eighth grade when I kissed him for the first time, and even though I felt the same way about him, I treated him like shit for it because I was scared of my dad.

I knew he was behind the curtain, kissing Royce, and...well, my feelings don’t really matter because what I did that night is something that I can never take back. I was the one who opened the curtain and exposed him to everyone, including you. Took something from him that wasn’t mine to take, and I’ll spend the rest of our lives together making it up to him. Because that’s what I intend to do, Mr. Davis. I’m in love with your son. I have been for years, and I plan on growing old together. With your blessing, I hope.”

A choked gasp shoots from my lungs as I inhale deeply, finally getting it all out. Aaron says nothing for a long while, his eyes taking on an almost dazed glint as he gazes around the room. I give him time to process everything I’ve just said. There’s more I need to say, but I don’t want to bombard thepoor man, so I just sit in silence and pick at a loose thread on the arm of the couch.

“You love each other,” he murmurs thoughtfully, rubbing a thumb over his chin. I clear my throat as I nod.

“Very much. Think whatever you want about me, Mr. Davis, but please don’t push him away. He’s leaving on Friday, and it would mean the world to him if you would speak to him by then.”

His attention shifts to mine, brows creasing even more dramatically. “I’ve only ever wanted the best for you, Taylor.”