“Good morning, beautiful,” I whisper to Fiona as she blinks her beautiful green eyes open.

The most adorable smile spreads across her face, followed by a light blush dusting her cheeks and nose. She looks at me like she can’t believe I’m here. I could say the same about her.

I lean in for a kiss, but Fiona covers her mouth with her hand. I give her a questioning look that turns into a bit of a pout. Why is she keeping her lips from me? I want to kiss my woman.

“Morning breath,” she explains.

“Fuck that,” I rasp, pulling her hand away and pressing my lips to hers. I don’t know what Fiona’s talking about. She tastes delicious and I can’t wait for more of her. Not just physically, but everything. I want her heart, her goddamn soul. I’ll keep them right next to mine and cherish every piece of her story she gives me.

Fiona moans softly into my mouth as her hands crawl up my bare chest. Her fingertips tickle my skin, making me ravenous for her. When Fiona wraps her arms around my shoulders and digs her nails into my back, I’m ready to spread her out beneathme and sink into that snug little pussy that I know is dripping wet.

“Yes,” she murmurs, her voice trembling with desire.

I’m about to roll her onto her back when a loud, aggressive knocking startles us both from our hazy morning lust. Fiona looks at me, the terror in her eyes breaking my damn heart.

“It’s okay,” I tell her. “I’ll go see who’s at the door then I’ll be right back.”

“Forest,” she protests, grabbing my hand as I sit up and swing my legs over the bed.

I lift her hand to my lips, pressing a kiss over her knuckles. "There's nothing to worry about. It's probably a local politician canvassing the neighborhood or a church group who wants to ask if I know where I'm going when I die."

She nods, reluctantly letting me go. I pull on a pair of basketball shorts, not bothering with a shirt. Whether it’s politics or religious zealots, they’ll likely be caught off guard by a shirtless man answering the door.

I make my way out to the living room, just in time for the person to knock again. It’s urgent, more like a pounding on the door, not a politelet’s have a chatknock.

“Forest, you awake?” my mother calls out from her room.

“Yup, I’m at the door right now,” I assure her, not wanting her to get up. She’s on crutches now, so at least she’s a little more mobile. Still, no need for her to move if I’m already here.

I wrap my fingers around the doorknob, taking a deep breath to clear my mind. I don’t want to be an asshole to this person, but they just interrupted what was shaping up to be a delightful morning with my woman.

When I open the door, all thoughts of sex fall right out of my head, and the last of my hard-on leaves me in a rush.Jett.

“Forest?” My old friend looks just as shocked to see me as I am to see him. “Uh, wow, didn’t know you were back in town.”

Shit. Shit, shit, shit.

“Yeah, just for a little bit. Taking care of my mom after her knee surgery.”

"Ah. Is there any chance Fiona has been around? She and your mom are close and I thought she might have some information. I've been calling Fiona all week but she ignored them and only sent a few short texts. I know her finals are this week and I'm worried she's anxious or sick or–"

“Jett?” comes Fiona’s voice from down the hall.

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. This is not how I wanted him to find out about us.

Jett peers over my shoulder, squinting so he can see inside the dimly lit house. I know the exact second he spots his sister. His eyes widen and his face turns red as he steps up to me, looking for a fight.

“Please tell me this isn’t what it looks like,” he growls.

“Let me explain,” I start. Jett pushes past me and heads inside, straight for Fiona. I follow him, noting that Fiona is wearing one of my t-shirts and nothing else, leaving little room for doubt about what we’ve been up to.

“Come on, Fiona,” he says. “Get dressed and we’ll talk on the way to your apartment. Is this why you haven’t been answering my calls?”

“I want to be here with Forest,” she replies.

“You don’t know what you want and he took advantage of that.”

“I didn’t take advantage of Fiona,” I say, stepping in between them. Fiona stands by my side, clinging to my arm and leaning against me. “And you know I’m not some player who goes through women. Neither are you. What’s happening between us is real, Jett. I hope you can understand that.”