God, I love this man.
Part of me wanted to tell him how I felt, to blurt out the words. But naturally, I kept my feelings safely tucked against my heart.
We stepped in theshower together, and the warm water coated our bodies.
His nimble fingers grazed my skin as he washed me. The sweet smell of his lavender and melon body wash infused my senses. Sensual and relaxing.
“Would you like me to wash your beautiful curls?” he asked, his voice soft.
I nodded, biting my lip. “Yes. Please.”
I moved under the water to wet my hair, then he added shampoo, massaging it into my scalp. I moaned with each stroke and caress. He rinsed, then added the conditioner, distributing it through my hair with his fingers, root to tip.
After we were cleansed and rinsed, he took a towel and rubbed me dry, then covered my body in lotion, focusing on my sore bum.
Once I was fully dried, I got back into my costume and retrieved the mop and bucket to clean his bedroom.
“A simple wipedown is sufficient,” he said as I started to clean. “You really don’t have to mop the floors…”
I bowed my head. “I take your orders seriously, Sir.”
While I took great pride in his orders, part of it was also my intense guilt. I wanted him to be pleased with me again. To forgive the fact that I’d lied to him about working at the club.
When the bedroom was clean, we snuggled together on the bed.
“Look. I’m really sorry about last night. About lying. I feel terrible,” I said, my head low.
He stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. “It’s all right, love. I’m hurt but not as upset anymore. I need to be able to trust you. When I saw you last night, it broke me in half.”
My throat narrowed, and my eyes watered. “I didn’t know how to tell you. I thought you’d judge me.”
“Well, to be fair, I may have at first. But…I also know you wouldn’t work at a place that compromises your character. Your morals. Who you are.”
Tears rolled down my cheeks, and he wiped them away with his hand.
“Oh. I can’t stand the sight of you like this.” He held me tight and kissed my tears away.
“From now on, promise me, no more secrets, okay?”
I nodded. “I promise.”
“Also, I must say, I really don’t like you working those late hours. It makes me extremely uncomfortable.”
“I know. They’re not great.”
He nuzzled against my cheek. “Perhaps I could drive you and pick you up. It’s only until the end of January, right?”
“What?” I shook my head. “No. I get off at two in the morning.”
“What about if I drop you off, then send a trusted car to go get you?”
“That’s so unnecessary.”
“Not in my eyes. I want to make sure you’re safe. The thought of any harm coming to you—it kills me. I won’t be able to sleep at night.”
We cuddled for another ten minutes, then he glanced at his watch. “It’s late already. I have to go get the girls. They’re still at my sister’s place. She had a little New Year’s soiree last night.”