“You really think I wouldn’t be able to tell? Catered food has a certain flavor and texture. But it’s delicious, and I reallyappreciate the effort. Especially how you put everything in serving dishes.”
After Charlotte and Mackenzie left the table, I put my hand over his.
He came close, inhaling me. “God, I wish I could kiss you. Hold you. More. But it’ll have to wait.”
“That’s okay. Being able to spend this special day with you and the girls means a lot to me.”
“I love having you here.” He smiled tenderly. “You fill this house with warmth again. A warmth I haven’t felt in so many years. I don’t know where I’d be without you, Grace.”
He gripped my hand tightly, and a stream of bliss flowed through me, head to toe. We shared a special connection. It was as if the universe brought us together after our losses to bring light to each other. To rescue one another from all the heartache that life had thrown at us.
As I peered into his eyes, the heaviness in my chest made it hard to breathe. At that moment, I could no longer deny my feelings. I wanted him in all the ways. I wanted him in my life. My future.
I was truly, madly, deeply in love with Gavin.
“Dad! Grace!” Charlotte shouted from the living room. “Come on, gifts!”
We pulled our hands apart and made our way to the tree.
When we walked into the living room, Charlotte and Mackenzie had their gifts before them, fidgeting, itching to open them.
I took in the Brinley’s grand Christmas tree in the corner. While artificial, the tree resembled a real spruce, decorated with soft white lights, red, gold, and silver balls, and various Christmas memories nestled among the branches—the many homemade ornaments crafted by the girls over the years.
Gavin and I sat on the sofa, leaving just enough space between us.
“Go ahead, girls, open your gifts,” Gavin said.
I watched as they excitedly tore the wrapping apart. They cheered and squealed as they opened each one.
I’d bought art supplies for Mackenzie, a pair of Doc Martin boots for Charlotte, as well as pajamas, socks, matching moon lamps, and glitter markers for both of them. I had to admit, I may have gone a little overboard this year with the extra money from the bonus. It was as if I couldn’t stop myself when it came to the girls.
They came to thank me, and I hugged them, one arm around each. Gavin flashed me a satisfied smile, as if he knew this was exactly where I belonged. My heart was full. I couldn’t stop thinking about how much I wanted to be with him and officially be a part of this beautiful family.
I went to the tree and picked up Gavin’s gift. A thin blue box. “Okay. Your dad’s next.”
Gavin opened his gift, and he beamed when he saw the tie inside.
“Grace, thank you. I love it!” he said with a smile. “So silky.”
The girls convinced him to try it on. He smiled at me as he placed the tie around his neck.
“It looks perfect,” I said, admiring him as he stood proud. He was so incredibly handsome. Every line, curve, and contour of him came together in perfect harmony and sent an unmistakable signal of love and desire for him. A man who had been in front of me for almost my entire life had become so irresistible that he made me short of breath. My heart fluttered so forcefully. It was as if I could see my entire future in his eyes. My forever. I knew these feelings were out of control. There was no way he felt the same. There was no way he wanted to endure it all over again—marriage, more children. I shook those naive fantasies away. I had to be happy with what we had, even if it wasn’t perfect.
“Grace, open yours now,” Charlotte shouted as they both ran up to the tree.
Charlotte came to me with a silver-wrapped box, and Mackenzie with a thin red-and-white-striped one. Mackenzie handed me a Christmas card, which the three of them had signed. Mackenzie had drawn some holly and turtle doves inside the card. It warmed my heart.
“The candy cane one is from us!” Mackenzie said proudly.
I opened that gift first—tore away the striped paper, then opened the box to find a beautiful cream cashmere sweater. I’d imagine a rather expensive sweater.
I held it up against my body. “It’s gorgeous! I love it. Thank you both so much!”
“I picked it out,” Mackenzie said proudly.
“No, you didn’t. I did,” Charlotte retorted.
“But I helped!”