She flashed a thumbs-up. “You know it!”

Gavin’s ten-year-old daughter, Mackenzie, bounced up to me.

“Hi, Grace! Do you like my hair?” She tilted her lopsided caramel-brown braid toward me. “I did it all myself.”

“It’s lovely.” I nodded with a smile, knowing I’d have to fix it later.

“Do you want to see my tap and jazz video? I had my recital last week. I fell, but I didn't get hurt. I got up super quick and kept dancing. You need to come next time.”

“Of course! I’ll be there.”

The girls scurried off, and I quickly checked my phone. I was surprised to see a message from Ethan.

Ethan:Hey, Grace. It was great meeting you last night :) I’d love to take you out next weekend.

Following the message was a picture of Aslan with a chew toy.


Gavin strode to the living room, and I tucked my phone away. He glanced out the bay window. “She's here.”

My head tilted with surprise. “She’s picking you up. How progressive. I like it.”

“I offered, but she insisted.” He shrugged. “I’ll have to get used to dating a modern, independent woman.”

I wasn't sure why, but I had to force a smile. “Well. Have a great night.”

About ten minutes later, I called the girls to set the table. As we sat down to eat and I watched the girls enjoying their food, I felt something was missing, or more like someone. A part of me wished Gavin had stayed.

I wondered where he had taken his date for dinner. I pictured him out with her, smiling and laughing, sharing his goofy jokes. Jokes she likely wouldn’t find funny. Or maybe she’d find him hilarious.

My stomach tightened and curdled.

What was going on? He was more than entitled to date and be happy. Then why did I feel a sense of competition? As if having another woman in his life meant he would toss me aside and pay less attention to me. I had an irrational fear this new woman would compromise my position as his sidekick, his other half. Between Gavin and Dorina, it seemed those close to me were finding someone special. Maybe Ethan held promise. While I still hesitated about dating him, I realized I no longer wanted to be alone.


A clang rang out, and I nearly jolted out of my skin. Ever since that scare with those raccoons, I found myself extra jumpy. I checked the time. It was just after eleven o’clock. Unsettled, I muted the TV and strained my ears. The girls were in bed, but the sound had come from the front. I tiptoed over and peered outside the living room bay window, hiding behind the floor-length gray drapes.

The porch light shone bright, illuminating Gavin and his date standing outside by the front door. She was pretty. Well-dressed. Tall and lean. Sleek black hair that fell to her shoulders. My body turned to give them privacy, but I remained glued, unable to look away. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but they were smiling. I faintly heard the robust bellow of Gavin’s laughter. Afterward, he cupped his date’s face in his hands and leaned in for a kiss.

I knew it was wrong to watch, but I couldn’t help myself.

The kiss started slow, then he moved in closer, pressing his body against hers. Things quickly escalated, becomingquite intense. Hands moving, mouths devouring, and tongues involved by the look of it.

The few kisses I’d experienced in the past had been awkward and lackluster at best. Nothing like the passionate kiss between Gavin and his date.

So many emotions and thoughts flooded my brain. I had no idea Gavin kissed with such smooth expertise. So tender, sensual, yet with marked command. A side of him I’d never seen before.

For a moment, I wondered what it would be like to be kissed like that. I imagined myself in his date’s place. Gavin’s lips on mine. His hands on my face. His body pressed up against me.

My knees became weak, and my body tingled. Heat rushed to my core. A completely foreign reaction to me.

What was happening?This was Gavin. My boss. My next-door neighbor of seventeen years. A man double my age who’d known me since I was a child and had been the husband of my mother’s best friend.

Cue the brakes. That did it. The tremors in my body abruptly flatlined.

Distracted, I hadn’t noticed they’d stopped kissing, and his date was heading to her car in the driveway.