“Just go slow. No rush,” Gavin murmured as I shifted myself over him, guiding his tip into me. I watched the spot where we connected. The sight of his cock disappearing into my body sent a bolt of lightning through my veins. I continued to lower myselfuntil he was in all the way. A pleasurable stretching sensation washed over me. So good. So full. He gripped my hips, and I moved my body, bouncing and grinding into him.
“Fuck.” His voice was a rasp. “You have no idea how good you feel on top of me like this. I can’t get enough. I want to live inside you.”
I bit my lip and continued to ride him with everything I had.
My eyes flickered open, and it took a moment to process my surroundings. The morning sun filtered through the hotel windows, illuminating a sleeping Gavin by my side with a halo. He looked youthful, so sweet and innocent despite the shadow of scruff on his chin.
He was such a beautiful man. Breathtaking, in fact. My heart beat for him in a way I never knew it could. After a few moments, he woke with a smile.
“Morning, love. How did you sleep?” He nuzzled my ear and kissed my neck. Blood rushed through my body. I’d never experienced that kind of intense arousal first thing in the morning.
“Pretty good.” I traced a finger over his chest. “But you do steal the covers.”
He lightly pinched my side, and I let out a stream of giggles. “And you snore.”
“Oh no!” I whined, completely mortified. “I hope I didn't keep you up.”
I covered my face with my hands, then he pulled me close. “Not to worry, cutest little snore I've ever heard—for the most part.”
I shifted closer and inhaled the delicious scent of his body. His erection was hard against my thigh. I felt like no matter how many times we became physical, it wasn’t enough. Like an addiction where each hit made me want more and more. I wondered if we had time for a morning quickie.
“What time is it?” I asked.
He groaned and reached over to grab his white gold Rolex on the nightstand.
“A quarter to nine.”
“Holy shit. Really?” It was unlike me to sleep in so late.
“I know. I could have slept all day. You really tired me out yesterday.”
“I did? Come on, that was nothing,” I teased.
He kissed my forehead, lingering there. My chest clenched. That same tightening warmth bloomed but more intense. More worrisome.
Gavin graciously took care of me in the shower, getting down on his knees and making me come so hard with his mouth that I saw heaven. God, if oral sex was a sport, this man would surely win the gold medal. I returned the favor, of course, sucking him off until he almost collapsed.
We packed our things, then checked out of the hotel. Gavin looked distinguished in a long black wool coat over a gray sweater. I wanted to run my hands all over his body. I was insatiable as if making up for all the years of not being interested in sex.
After breakfast, we went to the National Gallery of Canada on Parliament Hill, followed by a trip to the Rideau Canal. The weather was windy and cold, but standing beside Gavin kept my insides warm. The sight of two young girls collecting leaves reminded me of Charlotte and Mackenzie. I’d imagine they’d be pleased if they could see us now. But then the thought of possibly losing what we had if this didn’t work out made my gut tumble.Gavin reached for my hand as if he could sense my unsettled mind, and the contact was electric.
“No one knows us here,” he said. “We can actually do this.”
He was right. We were no longer at the convention. No one knew who we were here on the streets of Ottawa.
“Look at the trees, those colors,” he said, marveling at the beauty of the fall leaves dancing on the branches—the auburns, reds, and yellows. “Thankfully, the wind died down.”
As soon as he said that, a gust of wind blew, and I shivered. I was bundled up, wearing a beige wool coat, matching red hat and scarf, but it caught me off guard.
“Just a wee gust,” he stated with a chuckle.
Another cold gust blew by, and I squealed. “Stop jinxing it!”
“I ought to tell the gods to turn their bloody fans down already!” He threw his fist in the air with playful exuberance.