I was afraid he was right. The planet had been irreversibly dislodged. But for once, my brain was clear and free, and I didn’t care for the consequences. I had this beautiful, wonderful man still inside me who rocked my world, and I wanted to stay in this moment forever.


“We should wash up,then head to the convention. I want to catch Paul’s presentation this afternoon. Several others also sounded quite interesting.”

Gavin. Such a dork.

“Really? I have to listen to boring dental lectures after what we just did. What happened tofuck the bloody convention,” I said the last part in my worst English accent.

“Hey now, I don’t sound like that,” he defended.

I traced my fingers over the lines of his jaw. “Can’t we just stay here? I was hoping we could go for round two.”

He chuckled, pulling me closer. “Come on. We can’t do this all day. Besides, I don’t think you could handle round two.”

I playfully swatted him, knowing he was probably right.

“I hope I didn’t go too hard. I couldn’t control myself.”

“No.” I smiled lazily. “You were perfect.”

“Are you sore?”

“A little. But in the best way.”

I nuzzled against his chest. His scent made my whole body come alive.

He hummed. “We can pick up some ointment at the pharmacy later.”

He was so attentive and caring. I became worried he’d spoil me and I’d be ruined forever. If not already.

“But first, let’s shower, then we’ll head off,” he said.

I bit my lip excitedly. “Shower together?”

“Absolutely. I want to lather up every inch of you. Especially those breasts. So dirty. They need the most scrubbing down.”

He put his face between my boobs with a playful growl, and I squirmed and giggled. His green eyes looked up at me with a crooked smile. So sweet. So handsome.

My chest tightened. Hard. Almost painful. Like heartburn or a heart attack.

Or worse.

I think I’m falling in love with Gavin.


“I should get back to my room and pack,” I said. “What time is checkout again?”

“Well, actually,” he said, scratching his temple. “If it’s all right with you, I thought we could spend an extra day here.”

My eyes widened with surprise.An extra day.

“While you were doing your hair and makeup, I made a few phone calls and pushed our flights to tomorrow. I figured we could take some time and explore the city. The sights. And I was able to secure this room for another night.”

“Oh.One room?” I asked playfully, blinking at him.

“Yes.” He traced his finger over my collarbone. “One room is more than enough. I can set you up a cot here, on the floor.”